使用 ANALYZE 从 zero/scratch 重建 PostgreSQL 统计数据的最快方法是什么?

What is the fastest way to rebuild PostgreSQL statistics from zero/scratch with ANALYZE?

我有一个大约 100GB 大小的 PostgreSQL v10 数据库。


ANALYZE 默认情况下没有参数更新整个数据库的统计信息——速度慢得令人痛苦!这似乎是一个单一的过程。


您可以将 vacuumdbpg_upgrade 建议的相同选项一起使用:

vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages

The documentation 描述了它的作用:

Only calculate statistics for use by the optimizer (no vacuum), like --analyze-only. Run several (currently three) stages of analyze with different configuration settings, to produce usable statistics faster.

This option is useful to analyze a database that was newly populated from a restored dump or by pg_upgrade. This option will try to create some statistics as fast as possible, to make the database usable, and then produce full statistics in the subsequent stages.

要计算多个并行进程的统计信息,您可以使用 vacuumdb 的选项 -j