如何从 "Total Currency" VBA /BDP 中提取货币

How do I extract the Currency from "Total Currency" VBA /BDP


           Price in EUR       Price in Home Country
Total AUD
Svenska     10
Ubinse      15 
Illuao      20
Total USD
Zelo        12
Jhasma      11
Hedsaw      17

理想情况下,我想使用 VBA 插入一个在列的每一行中插入 BDP 函数的子 Price in Home Country


for i = 1 to 7
if IsEmpty(Cells(i,2)) = True Then
Cells(i,3).Value = PriceHomeCountry(Cells(i,2), Cells(ws.Rows.Count,2).End(xlBottom).Offset(1,-1)
End if 
Next i 

请注意我想用Cells(ws.Rows.Count,2).End(xlBottom).Offset(1,-1).Value来指代上面的"Total Insert Currency"

我不确定如何构造 PriceHomeCountry() 函数


Function PriceHomeCountry(rng1 as Range, rng2 as Range)
'I want to basically separate the "Total" from the "Currency" in rng2,let's call the result rng2.1
PriceHomeCountry = "=BDP( "EUR" & rng2.1 & " Crncy")*rng1
End Function

此代码应该 可以解决问题。我无法使用 BDP 公式进行测试,因为我没有加载项,所以我提供了三种使用方法。

Sub Test()

    Dim rCell As Range
    Dim CalcRange As Range
    Dim CountryRange As Range
    Dim TotalCell As Range
    Dim HomeCountry As String

    'Every reference to a range that starts "." will be referencing Sheet1.
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

        'Define the ranges we're working with.
        Set CountryRange = .Range("A2:A9")
        Set CalcRange = .Range("C2:C9")

        'Look at each cell in C2:C9.
        For Each rCell In CalcRange
            If Not IsEmpty(rCell.Offset(, -1)) Then
                'Find the first cell before the current rCell in column A that contains the word Total.
                Set TotalCell = CountryRange.Find(What:="Total", After:=rCell.Offset(, -2), _
                    LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)

                'If found then check the found value is in a row higher than rCell.
                ' - FIND wraps when it reaches the top so could find a Total from lower down.
                If Not TotalCell Is Nothing Then
                    If TotalCell.Row < rCell.Row Then
                        rCell = PriceHomeCountry(rCell.Offset(, -1), TotalCell)

                        'If PriceHomeCountry isn't working this will place the formula in column C.
                        'rCell.Formula = "=BDP(""EUR" & Split(TotalCell, " ")(1) & " Curncy"",""PX_LAST"")"
                    End If                        
                End If
            End If
        Next rCell
    End With

End Sub

Public Function PriceHomeCountry(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range) As Variant

    'Should work if you set a reference to the Bloomberge add-in in Tools ~ References.
    PriceHomeCountry = BDP("EUR" & Split(rng2, " ")(1), " Curncy", "PX_Last") * rng1

    'Might work without setting a reference.
    'PriceHomeCountry = Application.Run("BDP", "EUR" & Split(rng2, " ")(1), " Curncy", "PX_Last") * rng1

End Function  

编辑: 还要感谢@assylias 对公式构造的提醒。