SQL 插入 SQLRPGLE 后无法更新文件

Unable to Update file After SQL insert SQLRPGLE


我正在编写一个程序来构建报告,我在其中构建 SQL 语句以将 selected 记录插入到文件中,然后插入之后我想对文件更改某些记录中的 select 字段。

问题是在插入 运行 之后,每当我尝试更新文件时,我都会收到记录或文件正在使用错误。

我尝试使用 sqlrpgle 和 I/O 读取和设置函数以编程方式更新它,我什至尝试在我 运行 程序之后更新 STRSQL 中的文件并且我都犯了同样的错误。



// Assign SQL Query

    sqlstmt = 'insert into jallib/orhsrpt ('+
              'oacctd, oacmp, oaord, oacust, o8type, ' +
              'o8text, o8date, o8time ) ' +
              'select oacctd, oacmp, oaord, oacust, ' +
              'o8type, o8text, o8date, o8time ' +
              'from r50files.vcohead ' +
              'join r50files.vcopkct ' +
              'on oacmp = o8cmp and oaord = o8ord ' +
              'where oacmp = 1 ' +
              'and o8type not in (' +
              '''C'',''a'',''H'',''E'',''F'', '+
              '''A'',''1'',''N'',''M'') ' +
              'and oacctd = ' + curdate +
              ' order by oaord, o8time ';

    // Prepare for multiple sql statements 

    exec sql
        Set Option Commit = *NONE; 

    // Clear output file before executing SQL

    exec sql
        Delete from jallib/orhsrpt;

    if sqlcode < *zeros; 
        errmsg = 'Delete of file failed'; 

    // Execute SQL Insert statement

    exec sql prepare sqlsel from :sqlstmt;
    exec sql execute sqlsel;

    if sqlcode < *zeros; 
        errmsg = 'Insert of file failed'; 

    // Update file data

    exec sql
        Set Option clossqlcsr = *ENDMOD; 

    exec sql  
        Update jallib/orhsrpt 
        set o8text = 'Order Invoiced' 
        where o8type = 'I' 


Row or object ORHSRPT in JALLIB type *FILE in use.

快速回答是插入未关闭,因为您的模块尚未根据您指定的 Set Option 结束。但是,这里的正确答案是您根本没有理由使用动态 SQL 语句。它们通常速度较慢且更容易出错,您 运行 会遇到这样的问题。您应该改为使用常规的嵌入式 SQL 语句,如下所示:

exec sql
    set option commit = *NONE; 

// Clear output file before executing SQL

exec sql
    delete from jallib/orhsrpt;

if sqlstate <> *zeros; 
    errmsg = 'Delete of file failed'; 

exec sql
    insert into jallib/orhsrpt (
        oacctd, oacmp, oaord, oacust,
        o8type, o8text, o8date, o8time )
    select oacctd, oacmp, oaord, oacust, o8type,
           o8text, o8date, o8time
    from r50files.vcohead join r50files.vcopkct
        on oacmp = o8cmp and oaord = o8ord
    where oacmp = 1 and o8type not in (
              'C','a','H','E','F', 'A','1','N','M') and
          oacctd = :curdate
    order by oaord, o8time;

exec sql  
    update jallib/orhsrpt 
    set o8text = 'Order Invoiced' 
    where o8type = 'I' 
