运行 java 来自 VBA 中的宏 Windows 7 绕过 System32 / SysWOW64 javaw.exe

Running java from VBA macro in Windows 7 bypassing System32 / SysWOW64 javaw.exe

有没有办法绕过 32 位 java 版本(可能是在 VBA 中启动进程以调用 64 位版本 cmd、关闭 UAC 或一些其他类型的 tweek)被以下 VBA 代码 "forced" (这只是一个假设,我在下面解释调试过程):

handleDbl = Shell("javaw -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)

这里的要点是我想分享我的宏并避免给接收者添加额外的指令所以我试图在代码上做所有事情(我在 VBA 代码上使用后期绑定以避免手动设置引用之类的东西)。



handleDbl = Shell("cmd /k java -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)

并得到错误 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 所以我检查了 java -version 并试图找出哪个 java 是 运行:

C:\>where java
C:\Program Files\Java\_anyJava.x.x.x_\bin\java.exe

我去了 System32 文件夹,那里没有 java 但我知道 redirection 从那里发生到 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 所以我比较了之前提取的 java 版本反对 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java.exe -version,他们匹配。

之后我查看了我的Outlook版本,原来是32位的安装。这是一个提示,但主要是任务管理器中 cmd.exe 旁边的那个大 *32。我不知道 64 位 Outlook 是否会有所不同,或者因为 VBA 实现而相同,但这就是我得出 VBA 中的 Shell 函数的原因32 位 java 调用。

通常有一个 JAVA_HOME 环境变量集。如果是这样,那么您可以这样做:

Dim JavaExe As String
JavaExe = """" & Environ("JAVA_HOME") & "\bin\java.exe"""
handleDbl = Shell("cmd /k " & JavaExe & " -cp theJar.jar com.java.SampleClass", vbNormalFocus)


Sam 的答案很好,但我只是对用户进行更多设置感到不安,所以我写了一些函数来检查 java 的版本并在不存在时通知用户(在那种情况下无论如何都必须安装 java)所以这是我的代码。它可能包含一些有用的东西。

Private Function IsJavaAvailable(ByVal displayMessage As Boolean, Optional ByVal isJavaMandatory As Boolean) As Boolean
    Dim availability As Boolean
    Dim minJavaVersion As Integer
    minJavaVersion = 8

    'isJavaSetup is a global variable
    If (Not isJavaSetup) Then
        javawPathQuoted = GetMinimumJavaVersion(minJavaVersion)
        If StrComp(javawPathQuoted, "") <> 0 Then
            isJavaSetup = True
        End If
    End If

    If javawPathQuoted = Empty Then
        availability = False
        availability = True
    End If

    If (displayMessage) Then
        If (isJavaMandatory) Then
            If Not availability Then
                MsgBox "This functionality is NOT available without Java " & minJavaVersion & "." & _
                vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Please install Java " & minJavaVersion & " or higher.", vbCritical, _
                "Mimimum Version Required: Java " & minJavaVersion
            End If
            If Not availability Then
                MsgBox "Some features of this functionality were disabled." & _
                vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                "Please install Java " & minJavaVersion & " or higher.", vbExclamation, _
                "Mimimum Version Required: Java " & minJavaVersion
            End If

        End If
    End If

    IsJavaAvailable = availability

End Function

Private Function GetMinimumJavaVersion(ByVal javaMinimumMajorVersionInt As Integer) As String

    'Run a shell command, returning the output as a string
    Dim commandStr As String
    Dim javawPathVar As Variant
    Dim javaPathStr As Variant
    Dim javaVersionStr As String
    Dim javaMajorVersionInt As Integer

    Dim detectedJavaPaths As Collection
    Dim javaVersionElements As Collection
    Dim javaVersionOutput As Collection
    Dim detectedJavaVersions As Collection

    Dim suitableJavawPath As String

    'Check available javaw executables in the SO
    commandStr = "where javaw"
    Set detectedJavaPaths = GetCommandOutput(commandStr)
    Set detectedJavaVersions = New Collection

    For Each javawPathVar In detectedJavaPaths

        'Look for java.exe instead of javaw.exe by substituting it in path
        '  javaw.exe does NOT return version output like java.exe
        javaPathStr = StrReverse(Replace(StrReverse(javawPathVar), StrReverse("javaw.exe"), StrReverse("java.exe"), , 1))
        commandStr = """" & javaPathStr & """" & " -version"
        Set javaVersionOutput = GetCommandOutput(commandStr)
        javaVersionStr = javaVersionOutput.item(1)

        Debug.Print "Getting java version: ", commandStr
        Debug.Print "Version detected: "; javaVersionStr

        Set javaVersionElements = SplitOnDelimiter(javaVersionStr, " ")

        'Check that output is not an error or something else
        'java version "1.8.0_75"
        If javaVersionElements.Count > 2 Then
            If StrComp(javaVersionElements.item(1), "java", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                If StrComp(javaVersionElements.item(2), "version", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                    detectedJavaVersions.Add javaVersionStr
                    'Remove quotes from "1.8.0_75", split on '.', get 2nd item (java major version) and cast it to Integer
                    javaMajorVersionInt = CInt(SplitOnDelimiter(SplitOnDelimiter(javaVersionElements.item(3), """").item(1), ".").item(2))
                    'JAR will only run in Java 8 or later
                    If (javaMajorVersionInt >= javaMinimumMajorVersionInt) Then
                        'Validate that "javaw.exe" exists since the validation was made with "java.exe"
                        Debug.Print "Verifying if javaw.exe exists: ", javawPathVar
                        If Len(Dir(javawPathVar)) > 0 Then
                            suitableJavawPath = javawPathVar
                            Debug.Print "A suitable javaw.exe version found: ", suitableJavawPath
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next javawPathVar

    GetMinimumJavaVersion = suitableJavawPath

End Function

Private Function GetCommandOutput(ByRef commandStr As String) As Collection

    'Run a shell command, returning the output as a string
    Dim shellObj As Object
    Set shellObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    'run command
    Dim wshScriptExecObj As Object
    Dim stdOutObj As Object
    Dim stdErrObj As Object
    Set wshScriptExecObj = shellObj.Exec(commandStr)
    Set stdOutObj = wshScriptExecObj.StdOut
    Set stdErrObj = wshScriptExecObj.StdErr

    'handle the results as they are written to and read from the StdOut object
    Dim fullOutputCollection As Collection
    Set fullOutputCollection = New Collection

    Dim lineStr As String
    While Not stdOutObj.AtEndOfStream
        lineStr = stdOutObj.ReadLine
        If lineStr <> "" Then
            fullOutputCollection.Add lineStr
        End If

    If fullOutputCollection.Count = 0 Then
        While Not stdErrObj.AtEndOfStream
            lineStr = stdErrObj.ReadLine
            If lineStr <> "" Then
                fullOutputCollection.Add lineStr
            End If
    End If

    Set GetCommandOutput = fullOutputCollection

End Function