如何使用 Python API (pyral) 在 Rally 中更新测试用例的步骤

How to update steps of Test Cases in Rally by using the Python API (pyral)

感谢 Rally API 的出色在线文档,我知道如何 create test steps and update a defect/test case

关于使用 ...


但是,我没有成功使用 python API (pyral) 更新测试步骤。


TCid = "TC1392"
testcase=rally.get('TestCase', query='FormattedID = %s' % TCid, instance=True)
print "Updating steps for Test Case %s" % testcase.FormattedID
#Test Steps
    for i in range(3):
        input="Step Input for Step: "+str(i)
        expected_result="Expected Result for Step: "+str(i)

        testcasestep_fields = {
            "TestCase"          : testcase.ref,
            "StepIndex"         : i,
            "Input"             : input,
            "ExpectedResult"    : expected_result

        testcasestep = rally.update('TestCaseStep', testcasestep_fields)
    print "Steps of TestCase %s updated\n" % testcase.FormattedID
except RallyRESTAPIError, details:
    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n\n' % details)

但是这个returns出现以下错误:An identifying field (Object or FormattedID) must be specified。该错误由 pyral/restapi.py.

的第 991 行引发


我找到的解决方案是采用另一种方法并循环执行这些步骤,因此能够检索每个步骤的 oid。

[2015 年 5 月 14 日更新]:更好的方法是执行 3 个步骤:

  1. 现有测试步骤的更新(如果有)
  2. 创建新的测试步骤(如果需要)
  3. 删除额外的测试步骤(如果需要)



TCid = "TC1394"
#Generate random number of steps
def generate_Steps():
    import random
    for i in range(n_steps):
        Step['Input']="Step Input for step %d" % (i+1)
        Step['ExpectedResult']="Expected Result for step %d" % (i+1)
    print "Using random list of %d Test Steps" % (n_steps)
    return list_Steps

#Update steps
def update_TestSteps(TCid, Steps):
        #Get number of existing steps
        testcase=rally.get('TestCase', query='FormattedID = %s' % TCid, instance=True)
        print "Updating steps for Test Case %s" % testcase.FormattedID
        list_steps=sorted(testcase.Steps, key=lambda step: step.StepIndex)
        #Calculate what to do on the steps (how many to update, create, or delete)
        nb_steps = { 'Rally':len(testcase.Steps), 'HTML':len(Steps) } 
        nb_steps['toUpdate'] = min(nb_steps['Rally'], nb_steps['HTML'])
        nb_steps['toCreate'] = nb_steps['HTML'] - nb_steps['toUpdate']
        nb_steps['toDelete'] = nb_steps['Rally'] - nb_steps['toUpdate']

        #Update content of existing steps with steps from test case
        for StepIndex in range(nb_steps['toUpdate']):
            teststep_fields = Steps[StepIndex]
            (teststep_fields['TestCase'], teststep_fields['ObjectID']) = (testcase.ref, step.oid)
            teststep = rally.update('TestCaseStep', teststep_fields)
        #Create new test steps when required
        for StepIndex in range(nb_steps['toCreate']):
            teststep_fields = Steps[StepIndex+nb_steps['toUpdate']]
            teststep_fields['TestCase'] = testcase.ref
            teststep = rally.put('TestCaseStep', teststep_fields)
        #Delete extra test steps
        for StepIndex in range(nb_steps['toDelete']):
            rally.delete('TestCaseStep', step.oid)

        #Print message for end of test step update
        message="Updated test steps for TestCase %s" % testcase.FormattedID
        message+=" (steps created: {toCreate}, updated: {toUpdate}, deleted: {toDelete})".format(**nb_steps)
        print message

    except RallyRESTAPIError, details:
        sys.stderr.write('Rally Error during update of Test Step:  %s \n\n' % details)

#Update random list of Steps
update_TestSteps(TCid, generate_Steps())