在 Ngrx Effect 中有条件地返回 Observable<Action>

Conditonally returning Observable<Action> within Ngrx Effect

我目前正在重构我的代码以包含 ngrx 商店。为了最大程度地减少 API 调用我的 LoadDeals() 操作的次数,如果商店为空,我将检查效果。只有当它为空时,才继续进行 API 调用。我首先尝试使用在 SO () 上找到的这种模式。

我意识到缺点是,如果存储中有数据,每个 LoadDeals() 调用都会被忽略。为了有可能强制加载,我在 LoadDeals() class 中包含了一个可选的布尔有效负载。如果设置为 true,请调用 API.


@Effect() loadDeals$: Observable<Action> = this._actions$.pipe(
    switchMap(([action, hasLoaded]) => {
        if (!hasLoaded || action.force) {
            return this._deals.deals.pipe(
                map(deals => new LoadDealsSuccess(deals)),
                catchError(error => of(new LoadDealsFail(error)))
        } else {
            return of(new LoadDealsSkip());


    Argument of type '([action, hasLoaded]: [LoadDeals, boolean]) => Observable<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail> | Observable<LoadDealsSkip>' is not assignable to parameter of type '(value: [LoadDeals, boolean], index: number) => ObservableInput<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail>'.
  Type 'Observable<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail> | Observable<LoadDealsSkip>' is not assignable to type 'ObservableInput<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail>'.
    Type 'Observable<LoadDealsSkip>' is not assignable to type 'ObservableInput<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail>'.
      Type 'Observable<LoadDealsSkip>' is not assignable to type 'Iterable<LoadDealsSuccess | LoadDealsFail>'.
        Property '[Symbol.iterator]' is missing in type 'Observable<LoadDealsSkip>'.

这是我的 deals.actions.ts

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { ITmsCpRecord } from '@models/cp';

export enum DealsActionTypes {
    LOAD_DEALS = '[Deals] Load Deals',
    LOAD_DEALS_FAIL = '[Deals API] Load Deals Fail',
    LOAD_DEALS_SUCCESS = '[Deals API] Load Deals Success',
    LOAD_DEALS_SKIP = '[Deals Store] Load Deals Skip (cached)'

export class LoadDeals implements Action {
    readonly type = DealsActionTypes.LOAD_DEALS;
    constructor(public force: boolean = false) {}
export class LoadDealsFail implements Action {
    readonly type = DealsActionTypes.LOAD_DEALS_FAIL;
    constructor(public payload: any) {}
export class LoadDealsSuccess implements Action {
    readonly type = DealsActionTypes.LOAD_DEALS_SUCCESS;
    constructor(public payload: ITmsCpRecord[]) {}
export class LoadDealsSkip implements Action {
    readonly type = DealsActionTypes.LOAD_DEALS_SKIP;

// action types
export type DealsAction = LoadDeals|LoadDealsFail|LoadDealsSuccess|LoadDealsSkip;



@Effect() loadDeals$: Observable<Action> = this._actions$.pipe(
    filter(([action, hasLoaded]) => !hasLoaded || action.force),
    switchMap(() => {
        return this._deals.deals.pipe(
            map(deals => new LoadDealsSuccess(deals)),
            catchError(error => of(new LoadDealsFail(error)))

@Effect() loadDealsSkip$: Observable<Action> = this._actions$.pipe(
    filter(([action, hasLoaded]) => hasLoaded && !action.force),
    switchMap(() => of(new LoadDealsSkip()))

您可能不喜欢这个答案,但我建议为此创建 2 个操作。 一个像你已经拥有的加载动作,另一个强制加载动作。

这也意味着创建 2 个效果,但在第二个中,您不必从商店select。