使用 react 和 yeoman office-generator 在 outlook 插件上实施许可

License Implementation on outlook add-in with react and yeoman office-generator

我使用 react 和 npm 创建了 outlook 加载项,并将其部署到 azure web 应用程序。

现在,我需要在这个 Outlook 加载项中实施许可。

我指的是 this MSDN 文章,其中提供了将许可证检查添加到 outlook/SharePoint 插件的步骤。

根据文章,我们需要传递查询字符串参数 "et",它是许可证令牌的 base-64 和 URL 编码版本。

  • Where can I get that License Token?
  • Where should I place .tok file as for dev purpose I'm only deploying extension-xml file to manage-add-in section. How can I test licencing before uploading to app-store?

请注意from the linked article,对于 Outlook 加载项的许可实施和测试存在特殊情况。


引用自the article

To create a test token:

  • Copy the example license schema into a text file and save it with a .tok extension.
  • Change the appropriate attributes, such as Product ID.
  • Make sure the test attribute is present and set equal to true.

根据下面的最后一句话,只要令牌具有有效架构,当包含测试属性并将其设置为 true 时,不会验证这些值。


然后为了在 Outlook 中进行测试,而不是使用 .tok 文件,令牌应该被 URL 编码并作为参数附加到加载项 XML 清单中的 SourceLocation。

For Outlook add-ins:

  • Create your test token.
  • Create a URL-encoded version of the add-in license token.
  • In the add-in manifest file, manually edit the appropriate SourceLocation element. Add the URL-encoded version of the license token to the source location URL as a query parameter named et .

注意 "For Outlook add-ins, the et query parameter string is only URL-encoded, and not base-64 encoded." 请参阅此引用后面的原始文章,以获取带有编码令牌的 SourceLocation URL 示例。


来自 License Schema 文章:

To support add-in license testing, the AppSource verification web service does not validate the encryption token or any of the attribute values of license tokens where the test attribute is set to true. However, the service does interpret the token, and all the properties of the VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse object returned by the service can be read.
