使用 androidx.preference.PreferenceScreen 和 PreferenceScreen 的区别

Difference between using androidx.preference.PreferenceScreen and PreferenceScreen

我的应用面向 API 28 并且至少有 API 15。作为支持库,我使用 AndroidX.
我有一个由 activity 托管的偏好片段,如下所示:


package com.example.app;

import android.os.Bundle;

import androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat;

public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragmentCompat {

    public void onCreatePreferences(Bundle savedInstanceState, String rootKey) {
        setPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences, rootKey);



package com.example.app;

import android.os.Bundle;

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;

public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(android.R.id.content, new SettingsFragment()).commit();

这是 SettingsFragment.java

使用的 XML 布局


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
        android:title="@string/switch" />

作为首选项层次结构的根,我应该使用 PreferenceScreen 还是 androidx.preference.PreferenceScreen 让布局真正向后兼容(使用 AndroidX)?两者有什么区别?最佳做法是什么?

来自the docs

AndroidX is the open-source project that the Android team uses to develop, test, package, version and release libraries within Jetpack.

AndroidX is a major improvement to the original Android Support Library. Like the Support Library, AndroidX ships separately from the Android OS and provides backwards-compatibility across Android releases. AndroidX fully replaces the Support Library by providing feature parity and new libraries. In addition AndroidX includes the following features:

  • All packages in AndroidX live in a consistent namespace starting with the string androidx. The Support Library packages have been mapped into corresponding androidx.* packages. For a full mapping of all the old classes and build artifacts to the new ones, see the Package Refactoring page.


因此,您的 PreferenceScreenandroidx.preference.PreferenceScreen 相同,但捆绑了不同的包装器。