CoreTelephony - 处于飞行模式时的 carrierName

CoreTelephony - carrierName when in Airplane Mode


let ctTelePhony = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo()

func cellPhoneServices() -> String {
    let serviceProvider = ctTelePhony.subscriberCellularProvider
    if let carrierName = serviceProvider?.carrierName {
        globalCarrierName = carrierName
        return carrierName}
    else {
        globalCarrierName = "Nil"
        return "Nil"}

根据文档,subscriberCellularProvider 已被弃用并被 serviceSubscriberCellularProviders 取代,但是在使用该服务时,它 returns nil。


运营商信息是否存储在 phone 本地?使用*3001#12345#*服务时,如果是飞行模式,所有信息都不会显示。

@property(nonatomic, readonly, retain) NSString *carrierName;

如果我们为运营商配置设备,将设备置​​于飞行模式,即使 SIM 卡被移除,设备仍然 return 运营商。运营商信息可能会安全地保存在设备内部的某个地方。

This string is provided by the carrier and formatted for presentation to the user. The value does not change if the user is roaming; it always represents the provider with whom the user has an account.

If you configure a device for a carrier and then remove the SIM card, this property retains the name of the carrier.

The value for this property is nil if the device was never configured for a carrier.