将 PayWithAmazon 与 symfony 2 一起使用 - 与 Composer 一起安装

using PayWithAmazon with symfony 2 - installed with Composer

我通过 composer 安装了这个包:

composer require amzn/login-and-pay-with-amazon-sdk-php
composer update

我将此添加到我的控制器文件中: 使用 PayWithAmazon\Client;

... 并希望使用此软件包提供的客户端 class。

$amazonClient = new PayWithAmazon\Client($this->amazonCredentials);


ClassNotFoundException in CartController.php line 185: Attempted to load 
    class "Client" from namespace "**Microsite\FrontBundle\Controller\PayWithAmazon**".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g.
    "Guzzle\Service\Client" or "Guzzle\Http\Client"?


谁能告诉我我做错了什么? 如何将 "Client" class 的名称空间从 Microsite\FrontBundle\Controller\PayWithAmazon 更改为正确的?


干杯 格雷格


use PayWithAmazon\Client as AmazonClient;
$amazonClient = new AmazonClient($this->amazonCredentials);