使用 Ansible 命令模块时文件名太长

file name too long when using Ansible command module

我正在尝试使用 ansible 的 chef habitat 安装 chef automate。


- name: get aib filename
      paths: /home/ec2-user
      file_type: file
      use_regex: yes
        - '^automate.*'
    register: file_automate

  - name: deploy chef-automatev2
    command: "sudo chef-automate deploy '/home/ec2-user/config.toml' --accept-terms-and-mlsa --skip-preflight --airgap-bundle '/home/ec2-user/{{ file_automate.files }}'"


TASK [deploy chef-automatev2] ***************************************************************************fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["sudo", "chef-automate", "deploy", "/home/ec2-user/config.toml", "--accept-terms-and-mlsa", "--skip-preflight", "--airgap-bundle", "/home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]"], "delta": "0:00:00.026909", "end": "2018-10-30 06:48:00.362616", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 94, "start": "2018-10-30 06:48:00.335707", "stderr": "Error: DeployError: Unable to install, configure and start the service: Failed to unpack airgap artifact: Failed to open install bundle file /home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]: open /home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]: file name too long", "stderr_lines": ["Error: DeployError: Unable to install, configure and start the service: Failed to unpack airgap artifact: Failed to open install bundle file /home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]: open /home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]: file name too long"], "stdout": "\nInstalling artifact", "stdout_lines": ["", "Installing artifact"]}


 - name: deploy chef-automatev2
    command: "chef-automate deploy config.toml --accept-terms-and-mlsa --skip-preflight --airgap-bundle {{ file_automate.files }}"


TASK [deploy chef-automatev2] **************************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["chef-automate", "deploy", "config.toml", "--accept-terms-and-mlsa", "--skip-preflight", "--airgap-bundle", "[{uuid:", "0,", "uwoth:", "False,", "umtime:", "1540883970.2111344,", "uinode:", "83,", "uisgid:", "False,", "usize:", "605693959,", "uisuid:", "False,", "uisreg:", "True,", "upw_name:", "uroot,", "ugid:", "0,", "uischr:", "False,", "uwusr:", "True,", "uxoth:", "False,", "uislnk:", "False,", "unlink:", "1,", "uissock:", "False,", "urgrp:", "True,", "ugr_name:", "uroot,", "upath:", "u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib,", "uxusr:", "False,", "uatime:", "1540883969.7361338,", "uisdir:", "False,", "uctime:", "1540883975.674141,", "uisblk:", "False,", "uwgrp:", "False,", "uxgrp:", "False,", "udev:", "64768,", "uroth:", "True,", "uisfifo:", "False,", "umode:", "u0644,", "urusr:", "True}]"], "delta": "0:00:00.014548", "end": "2018-10-30 07:19:41.288141", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 113, "start": "2018-10-30 07:19:41.273593", "stderr": "Error: UnknownError: accepts between 0 and 1 arg(s), received 62", "stderr_lines": ["Error: UnknownError: accepts between 0 and 1 arg(s), received 62"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} to retry, use: --limit @/home/ec2-user/ANSIBLE/clusterOps/roles/chef-automatev2/defaults/main.retry


- hosts: chefclusterautomatev2
  remote_user: ec2-user
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  connection: ssh
  gather_facts: true

  - name: get aib filename
      paths: /home/ec2-user
    register: res

  - name: deploy chef-automatev2
      msg: printing aib filename
    with_items: "{{ res.files | map(attribute='path') | first}}"

感谢马修 我得到剧本 运行:

TASK [deploy chef-automatev2] *************************************************************************
ok: [] => (item=/home/ec2-user/automate-20181019225406.aib) => {
    "msg": "printing aib filename"

现在的问题是如何在 "command" 或 "shell" ansible 模块中使用这个对象

以下是我如何解决在 shell 命令中使用对象的问题:

- hosts: localhost
  remote_user: a3x52zz
  connection: ssh
  gather_facts: true

  - name: get aib filename
      paths: /Users/a3x52zz/ansible-test
      file_type: "file"
      patterns: "automate*.aib"
    register: files_matched
  - debug:
      msg: "{{files_matched.files[1].path}}"

  - name: cat filename
    command: cat "{{files_matched.files[1].path}}"

如果您阅读错误消息,您会看到 file_automate.files 不包含文件名列表,而是包含 python 个对象列表,这可能是调用 stat:

  "cmd": [
    "/home/ec2-user/[{uuid: 0, uwoth: False, umtime: 1540882069.3233995, uinode: 82, uisgid: False, usize: 605693959, uisuid: False, uisreg: True, upw_name: uroot, ugid: 0, uischr: False, uwusr: True, uxoth: False, uislnk: False, unlink: 1, uissock: False, urgrp: True, ugr_name: uroot, upath: u/home/ec2-user/automate-20181020020209.aib, uxusr: False, uatime: 1540882068.8493989, uisdir: False, uctime: 1540882074.7854095, uisblk: False, uwgrp: False, uxgrp: False, udev: 64768, uroth: True, uisfifo: False, umode: u0644, urusr: True}]"

如果您只需要文件名列表,{{ file_automate.files | map(attribute="path") | list }} 应该给您,尽管您会希望省略前导 /home/ec2-user/,因为正如您所见,path files 中该对象的字段已经完全限定。