使用 Cro 在 perl6 中进行基本身份验证

Basic Authentication in perl6 with Cro

我正在寻找一种简单的解决方案,通过 Cro 的基本身份验证机制来保护我的路由。在我的示例中,如果您根本不提供任何凭据,我希望看到 401 Unauthorized。如果您提供了错误的凭据,我希望看到 403 Forbidden

在我的代码示例中,我从未看到 MyBasicAuth 中间件被调用:

class MyUser does Cro::HTTP::Auth {
    has $.username;

subset LoggedInUser of MyUser where { .username.defined }

class MyBasicAuth does Cro::HTTP::Auth::Basic[MyUser, "username"] {
    method authenticate(Str $user, Str $pass --> Bool) {
        # No, don't actually do this!
        say "authentication called";
        my $success = $user eq 'admin' && $pass eq 'secret';
        forbidden without $success;
        return $success

sub routes() is export {
    my %storage;
    route {
        before MyBasicAuth.new;
        post -> LoggedInUser $user, 'api' {
            request-body -> %json-object {
                my $uuid = UUID.new(:version(4));
                %storage{$uuid} = %json-object;
                created "api/$uuid", 'application/json', %json-object;

目前 cro 发布版本中似乎存在一个错误,该错误已在 github 的上游修复。在来自 #perl6 IRC 频道的 sena_kun 的帮助下,我们确实使用了当前版本的 cro-http:

$ git clone https://github.com/croservices/cro-http.git
$ perl6 -Icro-http/lib example.p6

然后 curl 我终于看到了 "authentication called"。 我们又发现了两个小错误:

第一个:当我调用curl -v -d '{"string":"hi"}' http://admin:secret@localhost:10000/api时忘记添加-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

authentication called An operation first awaited:   in sub request-body at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 716   in block  at restapp/example.pl line 24 in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 130

Died with the exception:
    Cannot unbox a type object (Nil) to int.
      in sub decode-payload-to-pairs at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/BodyParsers.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::BodyParsers) line 62
      in method parse at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/BodyParsers.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::BodyParsers) line 50
      in method body at /home/martin/.rakudobrew/moar-2018.08/install/share/perl6/site/sources/557D6C932894CB1ADE0F83C0596851F9212C2A67 (Cro::MessageWithBody) line 77
      in sub request-body at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 716
      in block  at restapp/example.pl line 24
      in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 130


class MyBasicAuth does Cro::HTTP::Auth::Basic[MyUser, "username"] {
    method authenticate(Str $user, Str $pass --> Bool) {
        say "authentication called";
        my $success = $user eq 'admin' && $pass eq 'secret';
        forbidden unless $success;
        return $success;
    } }


authentication called
Can only use 'content' inside of a request handler
  in sub set-status at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 846
  in sub forbidden at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Router.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Router) line 823
  in method authenticate at restapp/example.pl line 15
  in method process-auth at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Auth/Basic.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Auth::Basic) line 26
  in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Auth/Basic.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Auth::Basic) line 11
  in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Auth/Basic.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Auth::Basic) line 8
  in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/Internal.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::Internal) line 22
  in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/RequestParser.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::RequestParser) line 109
  in block  at /home/martin/.workspace/voteimproved/cro-http/lib/Cro/HTTP/RequestParser.pm6 (Cro::HTTP::RequestParser) line 90
  in block  at /home/martin/.rakudobrew/moar-2018.08/install/share/perl6/site/sources/F048BB66854D2463798A39CC2B01D4CC1532F957 (Cro::TCP) line 53



route {
    before MyBasicAuth.new;
    post -> LoggedInUser $user, 'api' {

取决于即将推出的 Cro 0.8.0 中新的 before/after 语义。在 asking/writing 时的当前 Cro 版本中 - 以及之前的版本 - route 块中的 before 将仅适用于已经匹配的路由。然而,这对于旨在影响 匹配的中间件来说为时已晚。在 Cro 0.8.0 之前执行此操作的方法是在服务器级别安装中间件,或者执行以下操作:

route {
    before MyBasicAuth.new;
    delegate <*> => route {
        post -> LoggedInUser $user, 'api' {

这确保在考虑任何路由匹配之前应用中间件。这不是很漂亮,因此即将到来的 0.8.0 中的变化(也将引入具有原始 before 语义的 before-matched)。

最后,forbidden without $success;在这里行不通。 forbidden sub 是 Cro::HTTP::Router 的一部分,用于路由处理程序,而中间件不依赖于路由器(因此您可以决定以不同的方式路由请求,例如,而不会失去能力使用所有的中间件)。 authenticate 方法的约定是它 returns 一个确定应该发生什么的真值;尝试强制使用不同的响应代码不是一个合适的地方。

无法匹配像 LoggedInUser 这样的身份验证约束将产生 401。要重写它,请在最外层的 route 块中添加一个 after 来映射它:

route {
    before MyBasicAuth.new;
    after { forbidden if response.status == 401; }
    delegate <*> => route {
        post -> LoggedInUser $user, 'api' {