Mariadb Galera 集群在终止 mysql 进程后没有出现

Mariadb Galera cluster does not come up after killing the mysql process

我有一个带有 2 个节点的 Mariadb Galera 集群,它已启动 运行。


我尝试使用 systemd "restart",但是在终止 mysql 进程后,mariadb 服务没有启动,所以,有什么工具或方法可以用来自动启动崩溃后的节点?

Galera 集群需要有法定人数(3 个节点)。

In order to avoid a split-brain condition, the minimum recommended number of nodes in a cluster is 3. Blocking state transfer is yet another reason to require a minimum of 3 nodes in order to enjoy service availability in case one of the members fails and needs to be restarted. While two of the members will be engaged in state transfer, the remaining member(s) will be able to keep on serving client requests.
