如何在 'why' 循环中添加 'if' 命令

How do I add 'if' commands inside a 'why' loop


while loopCode == 1:
userCommand = raw_input('Type a command (type \'help\' for syntax): ')

if userCommand == help:
    print 'flight: this command will be used to list a flight'
    print 'restaurant: you will be prompted to type the name of the restaurant, and how much you will spend there'

如您所见,while 循环中有一个 if 条件语句。但是当我被提示输入文本时,我应该输入 'help' 来激活条件。但是当我这样做时,while 循环会忽略条件。这是为什么?


while  1:
    userCommand = input('Type a command (type \'help\' for syntax): ')
    if userCommand == 'help':
        print ('flight: this command will be used to list a flight')