
TypeScript: Discriminate union from value in a tuple



type Landing = {
  tokens: ['landing']

type Month = {
  tokens: ['month', string]

type Day = {
  tokens: ['day', string, string]

type Route =
  | Month
  | Day
  | Landing;

let route: Route = getRoute();

if(route.tokens[0] === 'day') {
  // resolve to Day type

更新: 如果没有直接的方法来做到这一点,我会很高兴有一个自定义的类型保护,但还没有能够让一个工作。为了澄清,我想要一个可以区分联合的类型保护,而不是对每个变体进行显式检查。


if(typeGuard(route, 'day')) {
    // compiler knows this id Day type
else if(typeGuard(route, 'month')) {
    // compiler knows this is Month type


type Landing = {
  tokens: ['landing']
const isLanding = (x: any): x is Landing => x[0] === 'landing'

type Month = {
  tokens: ['month', string]
const isMonth = (x: any): x is Month => x[0] === 'month'

type Day = {
  tokens: ['day', string, string]
const isDay = (x: any): x is Day => x[0] === 'day'

type Route =
  | Month
  | Day
  | Landing;

let route: Route = getRoute();

if(isDay (route)) {
  // resolve to Day type

您可以在 official documentation(搜索类型保护)


希望它能回答您的问题 ;)

编辑 自最初的答案以来,打字稿在区分联合方面变得更好,因此这与打字稿 3.3 的预期一样有效:

if (route.tokens[0] === "day") {
    // resolve to Day type
    route.tokens[0] === 'day'
} else if (route.tokens[0] === "landing") {
    // resolve to Landing type
    route.tokens[0] === 'landing'
} else {
    // resolve to Month type
    route.tokens[0] === 'month'



您可以使用 Extract 条件类型创建自定义类型保护来保护所有可能的类型:

type Landing = {
    tokens: ['landing']

type Month = {
    tokens: ['month', string]

type Day = {
    tokens: ['day', string, string]

type Route =
    | Month
    | Day
    | Landing;

declare let route: Route;

function isRoute<T extends Route['tokens'][0]>(r: Route, type: T): r is Extract<Route, { tokens: [T, ...any[]] }> {
    return route.tokens[0] === type;

if (isRoute(route, 'day')) {
    // resolve to Day type
    route.tokens[0] === 'day'
} else if (isRoute(route, 'landing')) {
    // resolve to Landing type
    route.tokens[0] === 'landing'
} else {
    // resolve to Month type
    route.tokens[0] === 'month'

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