为什么@ApiModelProperty "name" 属性没有效果?

Why does @ApiModelProperty "name" attribute has no effect?

在我的 spring 引导应用程序中,我有一个 DTO 对象,其中包含 DTO 对象的嵌套列表。 class:

@ApiModel(value = "contact")
public class ContactDTO {
  @ApiModelProperty(value = "id", example = "1", hidden = true)
  private Long id;

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "first name", example = "John")
  private String firstName;

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "last name", example = "Doe")
  private String lastName;

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "list of phone numbers", name = "phonenumbers")
  List<PhoneNumberDTO> phoneNumberDTOList = new ArrayList<>();

post 请求的 swagger 示例值:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "phoneNumberDTOList": [
      "label": "Company",
      "number": "put number here"

我以为 @ApiModelProperty 中的 name = ... 属性 覆盖了变量名 phoneNumberDTOList,但这不起作用:(

我使用 springfox-swagger 2.9.2

  implementation 'io.springfox:springfox-swagger2:2.9.2'
  implementation 'io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.9.2'



@ApiModelProperty "name" attribute has no effect

  • We don't want ever to have a case where the serialization model is different from whats being documented.

  • Actually the existence of @ApiModelProperty is explained by the fact that we want to use the same annotations that swagger-core uses. However we take the philosophy of using the annotations just to supplement documentation. If for e.g. you've annotated your models with @JsonProperty etc we don't want to duplicate that using @ApiModelProperty as it is very easy to get out of sync.

有一个带有 @JsonProperty 注释的解决方法:


@ApiModelProperty(value = "list of phone numbers")
List<PhoneNumberDTO> phoneNumberDTOList = new ArrayList<>();