K 组合器的绑定变量检查失败
Check for bound variables fails for K combinator
我最近得到了 "Essentials of Programming Languages" 的第二版。在第 29 页,本书介绍了以下用于 lambda 演算的 Scheme 风格语法:
<expression> ::= <identifier>
::= (lambda (<identifier>) <expression>)
::= (<expression> <expression>)
接着介绍自由变量和绑定变量的定义(定义 1.3.3,第 31 页),内容如下:
A variable x occurs free in a lambda calculus expression E if and only if
1. E is a variable reference and E is the same as x; or
2. E is of the form (lambda (y) E'), where y is different from x and x occurs free in E'; or
3. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs free in E1 or E2.
A variable x occurs bound in a lambda calculus expression E if and only if
1. E is of the form (lambda (y) E'), where x occurs bound in E' or x and y are the same variable and y occurs free in E'; or
2. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs bound in E1 or E2.
这样的定义很容易在两个 Scheme 过程中转换,分别命名为 occurs-free?
和 occurs-bound?
(define occurs-free?
(lambda (var exp)
((symbol? exp) (eqv? exp var))
((eqv? (car exp) 'lambda)
(and (not (eqv? (caadr exp) var))
(occurs-free? var (caddr exp))))
(else (or (occurs-free? var (car exp))
(occurs-free? var (cadr exp)))))))
(define occurs-bound?
(lambda (var exp)
((symbol? exp) #f)
((eqv? (car exp) 'lambda)
(or (occurs-bound? var (caddr exp))
(and (eqv? (caadr exp) var)
(occurs-free? var (caddr exp)))))
(else (or (occurs-bound? var (car exp))
(occurs-bound? var (cadr exp)))))))
当组合器(即仅由绑定变量组成的过程)作为输入时,人们会期望 occurs-bound?
到 return #t
。但是,K 组合器的测试失败:
> (occurs-bound? 'x '(lambda (c) (lambda (x) c)))
这是因为在绑定变量的定义中第 1 点指出,对于要绑定的变量,它必须在 lambda 中量化,然后在其主体中出现自由。由于 x
在内部 lambda 的主体中被忽略,因此测试 returns false.
上面的定义是有缺陷的,还是我遗漏了什么? Here's a repl for the code.
是否出现在 '(lambda (c) (lambda (y) c))
是否出现在 '(lambda (c) (lambda (z) c))
你不觉得奇怪吗?我希望不会。那么为什么要考虑在 alpha-equivalent '(lambda (c) (lambda (x) c))
我最近得到了 "Essentials of Programming Languages" 的第二版。在第 29 页,本书介绍了以下用于 lambda 演算的 Scheme 风格语法:
<expression> ::= <identifier>
::= (lambda (<identifier>) <expression>)
::= (<expression> <expression>)
接着介绍自由变量和绑定变量的定义(定义 1.3.3,第 31 页),内容如下:
A variable x occurs free in a lambda calculus expression E if and only if
1. E is a variable reference and E is the same as x; or
2. E is of the form (lambda (y) E'), where y is different from x and x occurs free in E'; or
3. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs free in E1 or E2.
A variable x occurs bound in a lambda calculus expression E if and only if
1. E is of the form (lambda (y) E'), where x occurs bound in E' or x and y are the same variable and y occurs free in E'; or
2. E is of the form (E1 E2) and x occurs bound in E1 or E2.
这样的定义很容易在两个 Scheme 过程中转换,分别命名为 occurs-free?
和 occurs-bound?
(define occurs-free?
(lambda (var exp)
((symbol? exp) (eqv? exp var))
((eqv? (car exp) 'lambda)
(and (not (eqv? (caadr exp) var))
(occurs-free? var (caddr exp))))
(else (or (occurs-free? var (car exp))
(occurs-free? var (cadr exp)))))))
(define occurs-bound?
(lambda (var exp)
((symbol? exp) #f)
((eqv? (car exp) 'lambda)
(or (occurs-bound? var (caddr exp))
(and (eqv? (caadr exp) var)
(occurs-free? var (caddr exp)))))
(else (or (occurs-bound? var (car exp))
(occurs-bound? var (cadr exp)))))))
当组合器(即仅由绑定变量组成的过程)作为输入时,人们会期望 occurs-bound?
到 return #t
。但是,K 组合器的测试失败:
> (occurs-bound? 'x '(lambda (c) (lambda (x) c)))
这是因为在绑定变量的定义中第 1 点指出,对于要绑定的变量,它必须在 lambda 中量化,然后在其主体中出现自由。由于 x
在内部 lambda 的主体中被忽略,因此测试 returns false.
上面的定义是有缺陷的,还是我遗漏了什么? Here's a repl for the code.
是否出现在 '(lambda (c) (lambda (y) c))
是否出现在 '(lambda (c) (lambda (z) c))
你不觉得奇怪吗?我希望不会。那么为什么要考虑在 alpha-equivalent '(lambda (c) (lambda (x) c))