packing MJPEG into MPEG-TS

我有将 RAW h264 打包成 MPEG-TS 的算法。但我还需要打包 MJPEG。我需要什么 PES stream_type ID?对于 h264,它是 0x1b。或者不可能打包 MJPEG 并通过 UDP 流式传输?谢谢。

我认为您不能将 MJPEG 打包到 MPEG2-TS 中。但您可以将其打包为其他格式 wiki:

Unlike the video formats specified in international standards such as MPEG-2 and the format specified in the JPEG still-picture coding standard, there is no document that defines a single exact format that is universally recognized as a complete specification of “Motion JPEG” for use in all contexts. This raises compatibility concerns about file outputs from different manufacturers. However, each particular file format usually has some standard how M-JPEG is encoded. For example, Microsoft documents their standard format to store M-JPEG in AVI files,[2] Apple documents how M-JPEG is stored in QuickTime files, RFC 2435 describes how M-JPEG is implemented in an RTP stream, and an M-JPEG CodecID is planned for the Matroska file format


您可以使用 UDP/RTP 进行流式传输。例如,您可以使用 gstreamer (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org).