在降价中转义反引号 table

Escaping backticks in a markdown table

我在 markdown 中有以下 table 文本,我用谷歌搜索了这个问题并查看了已经回答的 Whosebug 问题: How does one escape backticks in markdown?

我似乎找不到解决我的问题的方法,文本不会在 markdown 中呈现为 table。

This brings us to our next topic under strings, Escaping and Special Characters.
| Code | Description | Example |
| \n | Newline | "Hello\nWorld" |
| \r | Return Carriage | "Line1\rLine2" |
| \t | Tab | "Hello\tWorld" |
| \' | Single Quotation | 'Don\'t clap!' |
| \"" | Double Quotation | "Say, \"Hello.\"" |
| $ | Dollar Sign | `` `Hey ${user_name}!` `` |
| \\ | Backslash | "5\5 === 1" |
| \uXXXX | Unicode Point | "Alpha Symbol: \u03B1" |
| \xXX | Latin-1 Character | "Mu Symbol: \xDF" |
| [=11=] | NUL Character | "ASCII NUL: \o" |
| \v | Vertical Tab | "Vertical Tab: \v" |
| \b | Backspace | "Backspace: \b" |
| \f | Form Feed | "Form Feed: \f" |

我意识到内容有点讽刺,尽管我认为它与 `Hey ${user_name}!` 部分有关。

这与您的反引号无关。只需在您的文本和 table:

This brings us to our next topic under strings, Escaping and Special Characters.

| Code | Description | Example |
| \n | Newline | "Hello\nWorld" |
| \r | Return Carriage | "Line1\rLine2" |
| \t | Tab | "Hello\tWorld" |
| \' | Single Quotation | 'Don\'t clap!' |
| \"" | Double Quotation | "Say, \"Hello.\"" |
| $ | Dollar Sign | `` `Hey ${user_name}!` `` |
| \\ | Backslash | "5\5 === 1" |
| \uXXXX | Unicode Point | "Alpha Symbol: \u03B1" |
| \xXX | Latin-1 Character | "Mu Symbol: \xDF" |
| [=10=] | NUL Character | "ASCII NUL: \o" |
| \v | Vertical Tab | "Vertical Tab: \v" |
| \b | Backspace | "Backspace: \b" |
| \f | Form Feed | "Form Feed: \f" |

如果您不希望 `Hey ${user_name}!` 呈现为内联代码,请尝试使用 \`Hey ${user_name}!\` 而不是外部双反引号。

在 Whosebug 上转义反引号的另一种方法是使用 HTML 实体之一作为反引号:`` 显示单个反引号。

如果您发现 Markdown 无法为您正确显示任何字符,您可以使用 HTML Entity code 代替,它将绕过 Markdown 翻译。