组装程序不是 运行 Intel 8086

Assembly Procedures not running Intel 8086

下面的代码应该获取 20 个用户输入的数字(6 位数字或更少)并计算平均值并对它们进行排序,当我将它设置为获取 6 个或更少的数字时,它工作正常。但是当它设置为获取 7-20 个数字时,在获取数字后,它会跳过下一个过程,有时会再次运行 GetNum 过程(从用户那里获取数字的过程),当它获得 11 个数字时,我收到此消息"PROGRAM HAS RETURNED CONTROL TO THE OPERATING SYSTEM".

ShowMsg macro msg
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset msg
int 21h

NewLine macro
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh
int 21h

data segment
sum   dd 0
num   dd 0
ave   dd 0
array dd 20 dup(0)
msg1  db 'Enter 20 numbers:', '$'
msg2  db 0dh,0ah,'Average: ', '$'
temp  dd ?
data ends 

stack segment
dd 100 dup(?)
stack ends

code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack
Main Proc Far

    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov ax, stack
    mov ss, ax

    ;Printing first message.
    ShowMsg msg1

    call GetNum

    call Average

    call Sort

    call Print

    mov ah, 4ch
    int 21h

Main endp

proc GetNum  

    mov bp, 0
    mov ch, 20


    mov cl, 6
    mov word ptr num, 0
    mov word ptr num+2, 0

    mov ah, 07h
    int 21h

    cmp al, 0dh
    jz Flag

    cmp al, 30h
    jb GetChar

    cmp al, 39h
    ja GetChar

    mov ah, 02h
    mov dl, al
    int 21h

    sub al, 30h

    mov bl, al
    mov di, 10
    mov ax, num
    mul di

    mov num, ax
    push dx

    mov ax, num+2
    mul di

    mov num+2, ax
    pop dx
    add num+2, dx

    mov bh, 0
    add num, bx
    adc word ptr num+2, 0

    dec cl
    jnz GetChar

    mov ax, num
    mov dx, num+2

    mov array[bp], ax
    mov array[bp+2], dx
    add bp, 4 

    add sum, ax
    adc sum+2, dx

    dec ch
    jnz NextNumber


GetNum endp

proc Average 

    mov bx, 20
    mov dx, 0
    mov ax, word ptr sum+2
    div bx 

    mov word ptr ave+2, ax
    mov ax, word ptr sum
    div bx
    mov word ptr ave, ax

    ShowMsg msg2

    mov cl, 0
    mov bx, 10
    mov dx, 0
    mov ax, word ptr ave+2
    div bx

    mov word ptr ave+2, ax 
    mov ax, word ptr ave
    div bx
    mov word ptr ave, ax

    push dx
    inc cl

    cmp ave, 0
    jnz Next1

    pop dx
    add dl, 30h
    mov ah, 02h
    int 21h

    dec cl
    jnz Next2



Average endp 

proc Sort 

    mov ch, 20

    mov bp, 0

    mov ax, array[bp+2] 
    mov bx, array[bp+6]

    cmp ax,bx
    ja Xchange 

    cmp ax,bx
    jz Cmp2

    jmp Next

    mov ax, array[bp]
    mov bx, array[bp+4]
    cmp ax, bx
    ja Xchange

    jmp Next

    mov ax, array[bp]
    mov dx, array[bp+2]
    mov temp, ax
    mov temp+2, dx
    mov ax, array[bp+4]
    mov dx, array[bp+6]
    mov array[bp], ax
    mov array[bp+2], dx
    mov ax, temp
    mov dx, temp+2
    mov array[bp+4], ax
    mov array[bp+6], dx
    add bp, 4
    cmp bp, 76
    jnz Cmp1 

    dec ch
    jnz OuterFor


Sort endp

proc Print 

    mov bp, 0
    mov cl, 0
    mov bx, 10
    mov dx, 0
    mov ax, array[bp+2]
    div bx

    mov array[bp+2], ax 
    mov ax, array[bp]
    div bx
    mov array[bp], ax

    push dx
    inc cl
    mov ax, array[bp]
    mov dx, array[bp+2]
    or ax, dx
    jnz A

    pop dx
    add dl, 30h
    mov ah, 02h
    int 21h

    dec cl
    jnz B 

    add bp, 4


    cmp bp, 80
    jnz C

Print endp

code ends
end main


mov array[bp], ax
mov array[bp+2], dx

默认情况下,bp 寄存器寻址 stack 段,而不是 array 所在的 data 段。您必须使用另一个索引寄存器,或者使用

mov ds:array[bp], ax
mov ds:array[bp+2], dx



我建议修改 GetNum 过程,这样你就可以使用 bx 来索引 array,而不是 bp

proc GetNum  
mov bx, 0
mov ch, 20

push bx
pop bx
mov array[bx], ax
mov array[bx+2], dx
add bx, 4 

与您的排序功能类似 - 交换 bxbp 的角色。最好将 bp 用作通用寄存器,将 bx 用作索引寄存器。