具有自类型的通用协议中的类方法,mypy 类型检查失败

Classmethods in Generic Protocols with self-types, mypy type checking failure

一点背景,我基本上需要定义一个 int 包装器类型,比如 MyInt (以及其他一些 class 类型)和另一个通用 Interval 类型它可以接受 MyInt 对象以及其他类型的对象。由于 Interval 可接受的类型不属于整齐的层次结构,我认为这将是实验性 Protocol 的完美用例,在我的情况下,它需要几个方法和一个几个 @classmethod 秒。所有方法 return a "self-type",即 MyInt.my_method returns a MyInt。这是一个 MCVE:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union, ClassVar, TypeVar, Generic, Type

from typing_extensions import Protocol

_P = TypeVar('_P', bound='PType')
class PType(Protocol):
    def maximum_type_value(cls: Type[_P]) -> _P:
    def minimum_type_value(cls: Type[_P]) -> _P:
    def predecessor(self: _P) -> _P:
    def successor(self: _P) -> _P:

class MyInteger:
    value: int
    _MAX: ClassVar[int] = 42
    _MIN: ClassVar[int] = -42
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if not (self._MIN <= self.value <= self._MAX):
            msg = f"Integers must be in range [{self._MIN}, {self._MAX}]"
            raise ValueError(msg)
    def maximum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(cls._MAX)
    def minimum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(cls._MIN)
    def predecessor(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self.value - 1)
    def successor(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self.value + 1)

class Interval(Generic[_P]):
    low: _P
    high: _P

interval = Interval(MyInteger(1), MyInteger(2))
def foo(x: PType) -> PType:
    return x

但是,mypy 抱怨:

(py37) Juans-MacBook-Pro: juan$ mypy mcve.py
mcve.py:46: error: Value of type variable "_P" of "Interval" cannot be "MyInteger"
mcve.py:49: error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "MyInteger"; expected "PType"
mcve.py:49: note: Following member(s) of "MyInteger" have conflicts:
mcve.py:49: note:     Expected:
mcve.py:49: note:         def maximum_type_value(cls) -> <nothing>
mcve.py:49: note:     Got:
mcve.py:49: note:         def maximum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger
mcve.py:49: note:     Expected:
mcve.py:49: note:         def minimum_type_value(cls) -> <nothing>
mcve.py:49: note:     Got:
mcve.py:49: note:         def minimum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger

这对我来说很难理解。为什么 return 类型需要 <nothing>?我只是尝试不在协议中注释 cls:

_P = TypeVar('_P', bound='PType')
class PType(Protocol):
    def maximum_type_value(cls) -> _P:
    def minimum_type_value(cls) -> _P:
    def predecessor(self: _P) -> _P:
    def successor(self: _P) -> _P:

但是,mypy 抱怨类似的错误消息:

mcve.py:46: error: Value of type variable "_P" of "Interval" cannot be "MyInteger"
mcve.py:49: error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "MyInteger"; expected "PType"
mcve.py:49: note: Following member(s) of "MyInteger" have conflicts:
mcve.py:49: note:     Expected:
mcve.py:49: note:         def [_P <: PType] maximum_type_value(cls) -> _P
mcve.py:49: note:     Got:
mcve.py:49: note:         def maximum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger
mcve.py:49: note:     Expected:
mcve.py:49: note:         def [_P <: PType] minimum_type_value(cls) -> _P
mcve.py:49: note:     Got:
mcve.py:49: note:         def minimum_type_value(cls) -> MyInteger


_P = TypeVar('_P', bound='PType')
class PType(Protocol):
    def maximum_type_value(self: _P) -> _P:
    def minimum_type_value(self: _P) -> _P:
    def predecessor(self: _P) -> _P:
    def successor(self: _P) -> _P:

class MyInteger:
    value: int
    _MAX: ClassVar[int] = 42
    _MIN: ClassVar[int] = -42
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if not (self._MIN <= self.value <= self._MAX):
            msg = f"Integers must be in range [{self._MIN}, {self._MAX}]"
            raise ValueError(msg)
    def maximum_type_value(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self._MAX)
    def minimum_type_value(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self._MIN)
    def predecessor(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self.value - 1)
    def successor(self) -> MyInteger:
        return MyInteger(self.value + 1)


我读过 self-types in protocols in PEP 544,其中给出了以下示例:

C = TypeVar('C', bound='Copyable')
class Copyable(Protocol):
    def copy(self: C) -> C:

class One:
    def copy(self) -> 'One':

T = TypeVar('T', bound='Other')
class Other:
    def copy(self: T) -> T:

c: Copyable
c = One()  # OK
c = Other()  # Also OK

此外,in PEP484, regarding typing classmethods,我们看到这个例子:

T = TypeVar('T', bound='C')
class C:
    def factory(cls: Type[T]) -> T:
        # make a new instance of cls

class D(C): ...
d = D.factory()  # type here should be D

我的 Protocol / class 定义有什么问题?我错过了一些明显的东西吗?对于有关失败原因 或任何解决方法的任何具体答案,我将不胜感激。但请注意,我需要这些属性可以在 class 上访问。

请注意,我试过使用 ClassVar,但这引入了其他问题...即 ClassVar 不接受类型变量 as far as I can tell ClassVar's cannot be generic。理想情况下,这将是一个 @classmethod,因为我可能不得不依赖我想放入 class.


我不是 Mypy 专家,但最近一直在自学使用它,我认为这可能是由于此处提到的 Mypy 中的一个问题所致:


问题在于在 class 方法中处理 TypeVar 变量,而不是与协议直接相关的任何事情。

link 中给出了以下最小示例来说明问题。

T = TypeVar('T')

class Factory(Generic[T]):
    def produce(self) -> T:
    def get(cls) -> T:
        return cls().produce()

class HelloWorldFactory(Factory[str]):
    def produce(self) -> str:
        return 'Hello World'

reveal_type(HelloWorldFactory.get())  # mypy should be able to infer 'str' here

reveal_type 的输出是 T 而不是 str。您的代码也发生了同样的事情,Mypy 未能推断出类型应该是 MyInteger 而不是 _P,因此没有将您的 class 视为实现协议。将 class 方法的 return 类型更改为 'PType' 会使错误消失,但我没有足够的信心知道该更改是否有任何其他影响。

已经就如何最好地处理它进行了一些讨论,因为在每种情况下决定正确的行为应该是什么并不是微不足道的,所以向他们标记这个以获取更多用例示例可能没有害处(请参阅 [=例如 15=]。)