当 "On error resume next" 处于活动状态时,不会引发错误(运行-时间错误 5)
Error (Run-time error 5) will not raise when "On error resume next" is active
我要处理的确切条件是 strCurrentRev
参数作为零长度字符串。 (例如 strCurrentRev=""
如果我注释掉错误处理语句,尝试对零长度字符串执行 ASC 方法会抛出 Run-Time Error 5
for "invalid procedure call or argument"。
如果我然后检查 err.Number
它是 = 5。
如果我尝试 运行 与 on error resume next
活动的完全相同的语句,它不会引发任何错误,例如执行后 err.number
总是 = 0。
如果 on error resume next
处于活动状态,并且您尝试从立即 window 执行 ASC 方法(例如键入 asc(strcurrentrev)
并点击 Enter
我以前从未经历过这种情况。为什么 on error resume next
Function NextRevLetter(strCurrentRev As String) As String
'This function returns the next revision letter given an existing revision letter.
'Declare variables
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strX As String
Dim strY As String
'First, check if we are dealing with rev A-Z or AA-ZZ
If Len(strCurrentRev) <= 1 Then
'Check that we can work with revision letter ***THIS IS WHERE I AM HAVING A PROBLEM!***
On Error Resume Next
'Procedure call to flag errors with ASC method without changing any values
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number > 0 Then
If Len(strCurrentRev) < 1 Then
'No revision specified, assign first revision"
strCurrentRev = "-"
MsgBox "The revision letter specified is not compliant. The next revision letter cannot be determined.", vbOKOnly, "Error: Revision does not follow rules"
'Return the existing revision (no change) and exit function
NextRevLetter = strCurrentRev
Exit Function
End If
End If
'Code continues - not important for this question...
Exit Function
我刚刚弄明白了。 On Error GoTo 0
语句将 Err.Number
属性 重置为 0。
您没有使用正确的工具来完成这项工作。运行时错误应该处理,而不是隐藏起来(因为那是On Error Resume Next
所做的——执行愉快地继续,就好像什么都没发生一样) .
The exact condition I'm trying to handle is the strCurrentRev argument as a zero-length string.
那么,正确的处理方法是在 将 strCurrentRev
传递给 Asc
函数之前验证 strCurrentRev
的长度,[= =24=]你知道如果你给它一个空字符串会引发运行时错误#5!
If strCurrentRev <> vbNullString Then
'calling Asc(strCurrentRev) here will not fail!
End If
我被要求详细说明处理错误的更好方法,这是最简单的地方。我认为没关系,因为在某种程度上它也确实回答了最初的问题。但是,让我先说这里正确的做法是完全避免错误,但为了完整起见,有一种方法可以 cleanly 使用错误处理程序来完成此操作。
Function NextRevLetter(strCurrentRev As String) As String
'This function returns the next revision letter given an existing revision letter.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'Declare variables
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strX As String
Dim strY As String
'First, check if we are dealing with rev A-Z or AA-ZZ
If Len(strCurrentRev) <= 1 Then
'Procedure call to flag errors with ASC method without changing any values
lngX = Asc(strCurrentRev)
lngX = 0
'Code continues - not important for this question...
End If
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 5 Then
lngX = 0
If Len(strCurrentRev) < 1 Then
'No revision specified, assign first revision"
strCurrentRev = "-"
Resume Next
MsgBox "The revision letter specified is not compliant. The next revision letter cannot be determined.", vbOKOnly, "Error: Revision does not follow rules"
'Return the existing revision (no change) and exit function
NextRevLetter = strCurrentRev
Exit Function
End If
Else If Err.Number = someOtherExpectedError
'handle it appropriately
' !!! This is important.
' If we come across an error we don't know how to handle, we re-raise it.
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End If
End Function
不过,我还是更愿意检查值是否为 = vbNullString
我要处理的确切条件是 strCurrentRev
参数作为零长度字符串。 (例如 strCurrentRev=""
如果我注释掉错误处理语句,尝试对零长度字符串执行 ASC 方法会抛出 Run-Time Error 5
for "invalid procedure call or argument"。
如果我然后检查 err.Number
它是 = 5。
如果我尝试 运行 与 on error resume next
活动的完全相同的语句,它不会引发任何错误,例如执行后 err.number
总是 = 0。
如果 on error resume next
处于活动状态,并且您尝试从立即 window 执行 ASC 方法(例如键入 asc(strcurrentrev)
并点击 Enter
我以前从未经历过这种情况。为什么 on error resume next
Function NextRevLetter(strCurrentRev As String) As String
'This function returns the next revision letter given an existing revision letter.
'Declare variables
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strX As String
Dim strY As String
'First, check if we are dealing with rev A-Z or AA-ZZ
If Len(strCurrentRev) <= 1 Then
'Check that we can work with revision letter ***THIS IS WHERE I AM HAVING A PROBLEM!***
On Error Resume Next
'Procedure call to flag errors with ASC method without changing any values
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number > 0 Then
If Len(strCurrentRev) < 1 Then
'No revision specified, assign first revision"
strCurrentRev = "-"
MsgBox "The revision letter specified is not compliant. The next revision letter cannot be determined.", vbOKOnly, "Error: Revision does not follow rules"
'Return the existing revision (no change) and exit function
NextRevLetter = strCurrentRev
Exit Function
End If
End If
'Code continues - not important for this question...
Exit Function
我刚刚弄明白了。 On Error GoTo 0
语句将 Err.Number
属性 重置为 0。
您没有使用正确的工具来完成这项工作。运行时错误应该处理,而不是隐藏起来(因为那是On Error Resume Next
所做的——执行愉快地继续,就好像什么都没发生一样) .
The exact condition I'm trying to handle is the strCurrentRev argument as a zero-length string.
那么,正确的处理方法是在 将 strCurrentRev
传递给 Asc
函数之前验证 strCurrentRev
的长度,[= =24=]你知道如果你给它一个空字符串会引发运行时错误#5!
If strCurrentRev <> vbNullString Then
'calling Asc(strCurrentRev) here will not fail!
End If
我被要求详细说明处理错误的更好方法,这是最简单的地方。我认为没关系,因为在某种程度上它也确实回答了最初的问题。但是,让我先说这里正确的做法是完全避免错误,但为了完整起见,有一种方法可以 cleanly 使用错误处理程序来完成此操作。
Function NextRevLetter(strCurrentRev As String) As String
'This function returns the next revision letter given an existing revision letter.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'Declare variables
Dim lngX As Long
Dim strX As String
Dim strY As String
'First, check if we are dealing with rev A-Z or AA-ZZ
If Len(strCurrentRev) <= 1 Then
'Procedure call to flag errors with ASC method without changing any values
lngX = Asc(strCurrentRev)
lngX = 0
'Code continues - not important for this question...
End If
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 5 Then
lngX = 0
If Len(strCurrentRev) < 1 Then
'No revision specified, assign first revision"
strCurrentRev = "-"
Resume Next
MsgBox "The revision letter specified is not compliant. The next revision letter cannot be determined.", vbOKOnly, "Error: Revision does not follow rules"
'Return the existing revision (no change) and exit function
NextRevLetter = strCurrentRev
Exit Function
End If
Else If Err.Number = someOtherExpectedError
'handle it appropriately
' !!! This is important.
' If we come across an error we don't know how to handle, we re-raise it.
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End If
End Function
不过,我还是更愿意检查值是否为 = vbNullString