Android 9.0 Pie 的毕加索图像加载问题

Picasso image loading issue with Android 9.0 Pie

我无法在 Android 9.0 Pie 中使用 Picasso 库加载图像。实际上,它适用于以下版本。 它没有显示任何错误消息。 有人使用

在 Github 上分享了他的日志


2018-10-19 13:13:20.467 24840-24862/ D/ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass
2018-10-19 13:13:20.467 24840-24862/ I/ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher
2018-10-19 13:13:20.467 24840-24862/ D/ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms
2018-10-19 13:13:20.468 24840-24862/ I/ContentCatcher: Interceptor : Catcher list invalid for
2018-10-19 13:13:20.468 24840-24862/ I/ContentCatcher: Interceptor : Get featureInfo from config pick_mode
2018-10-19 13:13:20.485 24840-24840/ D/Picasso: Main        created      [R1] Request{}
2018-10-19 13:13:20.492 24840-24864/ D/Picasso: Dispatcher  enqueued     [R1]+6ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:20.492 24840-24866/ D/Picasso: Hunter      executing    [R1]+7ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:20.555 1531-1684/? I/ActivityManager: Displayed +114ms
2018-10-19 13:13:20.555 5475-5603/? D/PowerKeeper.Event: notifyActivityLaunchTime: totalTime: 114
2018-10-19 13:13:20.709 735-816/? W/SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Splash Screen
2018-10-19 13:13:20.710 735-816/? W/SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Splash Screen
2018-10-19 13:13:20.775 1531-1684/? I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{821c51 u0 t4372} time:9356677
2018-10-19 13:13:21.003 24840-24864/ D/Picasso: Dispatcher  retrying     [R1]+518ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:21.004 24840-24872/ D/Picasso: Hunter      executing    [R1]+519ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:21.513 24840-24864/ D/Picasso: Dispatcher  retrying     [R1]+1027ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:21.514 24840-24877/ D/Picasso: Hunter      executing    [R1]+1028ms 
2018-10-19 13:13:21.516 24840-24864/ D/Picasso: Dispatcher  batched      [R1]+1030ms for error
2018-10-19 13:13:21.717 24840-24864/ D/Picasso: Dispatcher  delivered    [R1]+1232ms

尝试在清单文件的应用程序标签中使用 android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"! 当我使用 Android Volley!


根据 Android 文档

Indicates whether the app intends to use cleartext network traffic, such as cleartext HTTP. The default value for apps that target API level 27 or lower is "true". Apps that target API level 28 or higher default to "false".

When the attribute is set to "false", platform components (for example, HTTP and FTP stacks, DownloadManager, MediaPlayer) will refuse the app's requests to use cleartext traffic. Third-party libraries are strongly encouraged to honor this setting as well. The key reason for avoiding cleartext traffic is the lack of confidentiality, authenticity, and protections against tampering: a network attacker can eavesdrop on transmitted data and also modify it without being detected. link

我知道 android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" 的答案有效,但这将允许所有连接在所有内容上都是 http 而不是 s,我想这不是你在 2018 年想要的.

如果您知道 http 中要访问的域并且 信任它 ,那么最好使用 network security configuration


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

仅查看 及其子项的 cleartextTrafficPermitted="true"

然后在您的 AndroidManifest.xml 中添加 android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config"

您可以添加多个域,配置多个,确保其中一些是https或相反。 看起来更安全恕我直言。

在我的例子中,我只是将图像 url 从 http 更改为 https 并且它在 API 28 上工作,而没有向我的清单文件中添加任何内容。