将 url 正则表达式翻译成 Django 2.1 中的路径

Translating url regular expressions into path in django 2.1

        views.activate, name='activate'),

我一直在做教程,但在 django 2.1 中你必须使用路径,我如何转换为 2.1 django compatibile 路径函数?


path('activate/<str:uidb64>/<uuid:token>/', views.activate, name='activate')


I've been doing tutorial but in django 2.1 you have to use path, how do I translate to 2.1 django compatibile path function?

,在, you can use path [Django-doc] or re_path [Django-doc]. Furthermore as of today, url [Django-doc]中仍受支持,但将来可能会消失。

re_path 实际上等同于旧的 url,所以你可以这样写:


构造一个完全等价的URL并不容易,因为Django只支持five path conversions by default:

Path converters

The following path converters are available by default:

  1. str - Matches any non-empty string, excluding the path separator, '/'. This is the default if a converter isn't included in the expression.
  2. int - Matches zero or any positive integer. Returns an int.
  3. slug - Matches any slug string consisting of ASCII letters or numbers, plus the hyphen and underscore characters. For example, building-your-1st-django-site.
  4. uuid - Matches a formatted UUID. To prevent multiple URLs from mapping to the same page, dashes must be included and letters must be lowercase. For example, 075194d3-6885-417e-a8a8-6c931e272f00. Returns a UUID instance.
  5. path - Matches any non-empty string, including the path separator, '/'. This allows you to match against a complete URL path rather than just a segment of a URL path as with str.

我们可以在这里使用 slug,但这将比给定的 URL:

匹配 更多

slug pattern takes as regex equivalent:

class SlugConverter(StringConverter):
    regex = '[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+'