在 asp.net 核心 2 graphql 端点的情况下,如何提取请求 headers 并将其传递给业务逻辑?

How to extract request headers and pass it to the business logic in case of asp.net core 2 graphql endpoint?

我使用 asp.net web api 2 和 EntityFramework 6 开发了以下代码片段。

public class TestController : BaseApiController
    private readonly ITestService _testService;
    private readonly ICommonService _commonService;
    private readonly IImageService _imageService;
    public TestController(ITestService testService, ICommonService commonService, IImageService imageService)
        _testService = testService;
        _commonService = commonService;
        _imageService = imageService;

    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        var resp = _testService.GetDetailsForLocation(locale);
        return Ok(resp);

public class BaseApiController : ApiController
    public string locale
            if (Request.Headers.Contains("Accept-Language"))
                return Request.Headers.GetValues("Accept-Language").First();
                return string.Empty;

    public string GetCookieId()
        string value = string.Empty;
        IEnumerable<CookieHeaderValue> cookies = this.Request.Headers.GetCookies("mycookie");
        if (cookies.Any())
            IEnumerable<CookieState> cookie = cookies.First().Cookies;
            if (cookie.Any())
                var cookieValue = cookie.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "mycookie");
                if (cookieValue != null)
                    value = cookieValue.Value.ToLower();

        return value;

我正在使用 asp.net 核心 2 和 graphql.net 将现有的 restapi 端点转换为 graphql 端点。在下面的方法中,目前我正在发送 "en" 作为值,但我想传递语言环境值,就像在上面的实现中 asp.net web api 2 一样。

在这里我想知道读取请求 headers 并将值传递给业务 loigc 的最佳方法是什么(即在这种情况下传递给 method:GetDetailsForLocation("en")

public class TestQuery : ObjectGraphType<object>
    public TestQuery(ITestService testService)
        Field<TestResultType>("result", resolve: context => testService.GetDetailsForLocation("en"), description: "Test data");


最简单的方法是使用 IHttpContextAccessor。将 IHttpContextAccessor 注册为单例。



public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();

GraphQL class:

public class TestQuery : ObjectGraphType<object>
    public TestQuery(ITestService testService, IHttpContextAccessor accessor)
            description: "Test data",
            resolve: context => testService.GetDetailsForLocation(accessor.HttpContext...)