React Profiler - 开始分析并重新加载页面?

React Profiler - Start profiling and reload page?

使用 React 开发工具和分析器,有没有办法启动分析器并重新加载页面?类似于 Chrome 开发工具具有开始分析和重新加载页面的按钮。



logProfile = (id, phase, actualTime, baseTime, startTime, commitTime, interactions) => {
  console.log(`--------- ${id}'s ${phase.toUpperCase()} phase: ---------`);
  console.log(`Time spent rendering ${actualTime} ms`); // Time spent rendering the Profiler and its descendants for the most recent "mount" or "update" render.
  console.log(`Base time: ${baseTime} ms`); // Duration of the most recent render time for each individual component within the Profiler tree.
  console.log(`React render start time (since component mounted): ${startTime} ms`); // When the Profiler began the recently committed render.
  console.log(`React render commit time (since component mounted): ${commitTime} ms`); // The time at which the current commit took place.


<Profiler id="entities" onRender={this.logProfile}><Page /></Profiler>

To profile the initial render, you can use the reload and start profiling button, which will reload the page and start profiling before the initial render. You can then continue or stop recording as you normally would.


React Dev Tools 已经添加了重新加载和开始分析按钮。