PHP 中的最终摘要 class?
Final abstract class in PHP?
abstract final class NoticeTypes {
const ERROR = "error";
const WARNING = "warning";
const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
static function getAll() {
$oClass = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
return $oClass->getConstants();
Fatal error: Cannot use the final modifier on an abstract class in ...
- 不允许延期
- 不允许实例化
为什么 Interpreter 不允许这样做,我该如何实施?
您可以将其设为 final 并为其提供私有构造函数:
final class NoticeTypes {
const ERROR = "error";
const WARNING = "warning";
const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
static function getAll() {
$oClass = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
return $oClass->getConstants();
private function __construct() {}
在这里,"final" 负责 "cannot be extended" 要求,而私有构造函数负责 "cannot be instantiated"。
至于"why"你做不到,因为这是语言规范;另外,正如@CD001 在他的评论中指出的那样:
The whole point of abstract classes is that they are to be extended so abstract final is sort of a contradiction
实际上有一个 RFC 可以改变它,但它似乎没有成功。
abstract final class NoticeTypes {
const ERROR = "error";
const WARNING = "warning";
const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
static function getAll() {
$oClass = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
return $oClass->getConstants();
Fatal error: Cannot use the final modifier on an abstract class in ...
- 不允许延期
- 不允许实例化
为什么 Interpreter 不允许这样做,我该如何实施?
您可以将其设为 final 并为其提供私有构造函数:
final class NoticeTypes {
const ERROR = "error";
const WARNING = "warning";
const INFO = "info";
const SUCCESS = "success";
static function getAll() {
$oClass = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
return $oClass->getConstants();
private function __construct() {}
在这里,"final" 负责 "cannot be extended" 要求,而私有构造函数负责 "cannot be instantiated"。
至于"why"你做不到,因为这是语言规范;另外,正如@CD001 在他的评论中指出的那样:
The whole point of abstract classes is that they are to be extended so abstract final is sort of a contradiction
实际上有一个 RFC 可以改变它,但它似乎没有成功。