使用 scrapy 在 Stack Overflow 中进行 Web 抓取,但我无法获得问题的投票

Web scraping in Stack Overflow with scrapy but I can't get the votes of the question

我正在抓取 Stack Overflow,我已经抓取了标题、URL 和标签,但我无法抓取每个问题的投票。有人能帮我吗?我不太擅长 xpath

def parse_item(self, response):
    questions = response.xpath('//div[@class="question-summary"]')

    for question in questions:
        item = StackItem()
        item['url'] = question.xpath(
        item['title'] = question.xpath(
        item['tags'] = question.xpath(
        item['votes'] = question.xpath(

        yield item

我正在抓取页面: https://whosebug.com/questions?page=2&sort=newest


item['votes'] = question.css('.vote-count-post > strong::text').extract()[0]



item['votes'] = question.xpath(".//div[@class='votes']//strong/text()").extract_first()

注意 .//div xpath 前面的点 Check scrapy doc