这个 Haskell 河内塔解决方案是更有效还是完全多余?

Is this Haskell Tower of Hanoi solution more efficient or simply redundant?

This Haskell solution has been described as recursive, but not quite efficient according to a few claims, so I have tried to rewrite it with that in mind. The problem is described in a course that is available online and whose homework was the Tower of Hanoi.


type Peg = String
type Move = (Peg, Peg)

hanoi :: Integer -> Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> [Move]

hanoi n a b c = hanoiToList n a b c []
    hanoiToList 0 _ _ _ l = l
    -- hanoiToList 1 a b _ l = (a, b) : l
    hanoiToList n a b c l = hanoiToList (n-1) a c b ((a, b) : hanoiToList (n-1) c b a l)



是的,这摆脱了 (:) 构造函数的低效复制。这是一种稍微不惯用的编写方式,但更惯用的方式在使用优化编译时应该具有相同的性能。

hanoi n a b c = hanoiToList n a b c []
    hanoiToList 0 _ _ _ = id
    hanoiToList n a b c = hanoiToList (n-1) a c b . ((a, b) :) . hanoiToList (n-1) c b a
