AngularJs 复选框 select 全部

AngularJs checkbox select all

我正在尝试向 select/deselect 所有项目添加一个复选框,然后对所有项目求和。我已经为它做了一些代码。但是,这两个功能现在是分开的,我想将它们合并在一起以实现目标。


//Select all checkbox
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="checkAll()" ng-model="params.checkbox[0]" 
class="ng-valid ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-empty" style="">

//Select a single checkout and do cal balance
<input type="checkbox" name="marked_reconciled" ng- 
model="trx.marked_reconciled" ng-change="calBalance()"> 


$scope.checkAll = function () { angular.forEach($scope.records, function (v) 
{ $scope.params.checkbox[] = $scope.params.checkbox[0]; }); };

$scope.calBalance = function () {
                if (!$scope.trans) {
                var current = 0;
                var statement_mth = new Date($scope.item.reconcile_date).getMonth();
                angular.forEach($scope.trans.trans, function (trx) {
                    var reconcile_mth = new Date(trx.reconcile_on).getMonth();
                    if (trx.marked_reconciled && ((statement_mth == reconcile_mth) || !trx.reconcile_on)) {
                        if (trx.entry == 'debit') {
                            current += parseFloat(trx.amount);
                        } else if (trx.entry == 'credit') {
                            current -= parseFloat(trx.amount);

我尝试将 ng-change 合并为 "checkAll();calBalance()" 但没有成功。

如果您只考虑用一个函数来处理两个复选框,那么您可以用一个带有 if 条件的函数来区分两个不同的复选框控件。

//Select all checkbox
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="checkBoxSelection('All')" ng-model="params.checkbox[0]" 
class="ng-valid ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-empty" style="">

//Select a single checkout and do cal balance
<input type="checkbox" name="marked_reconciled" ng- 
model="trx.marked_reconciled" ng-change="checkBoxSelection('')"> 

$scope.checkBoxSelection = function(mode){
        angular.forEach($scope.records, function (v) { 
            $scope.params.checkbox[] = $scope.params.checkbox[0]; 
    }else {
       if (!$scope.trans) {
       var current = 0;
       var statement_mth = new Date($scope.item.reconcile_date).getMonth();
       angular.forEach($scope.trans.trans, function (trx) {
           var reconcile_mth = new Date(trx.reconcile_on).getMonth();
           if (trx.marked_reconciled && ((statement_mth == reconcile_mth) || !trx.reconcile_on)) {
               if (trx.entry == 'debit') {
                   current += parseFloat(trx.amount);
               } else if (trx.entry == 'credit') {
                   current -= parseFloat(trx.amount);

您可以将两个复选框合并为一个,同时执行这两个操作,即 select 全部并根据一个复选框的更改计算余额。在 html:

<input type="checkbox" ng-change="checkAllAndCalBalance()" ng-model="params.checkbox[0]" 
class="ng-valid ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-empty" style="">

并在逻辑中创建一个新函数 checkAllAndCalBalance 来完成这两项任务。 由于另一个复选框的 ng-model 不存在了,您必须在您的逻辑中手动设置它的值,这样依赖于 trx.marked_reconciled 的计算不会受到影响:

 $scope.checkAll = function () { angular.forEach($scope.records, function (v) 
{ $scope.params.checkbox[] = $scope.params.checkbox[0]; }); };

$scope.calBalance = function () {
                if (!$scope.trans) {
                var current = 0;
                var statement_mth = new Date($scope.item.reconcile_date).getMonth();
                angular.forEach($scope.trans.trans, function (trx) {
                    var reconcile_mth = new Date(trx.reconcile_on).getMonth();
                    if (trx.marked_reconciled && ((statement_mth == reconcile_mth) || !trx.reconcile_on)) {
                        if (trx.entry == 'debit') {
                            current += parseFloat(trx.amount);
                        } else if (trx.entry == 'credit') {
                            current -= parseFloat(trx.amount);

$scope.checkAllAndCalBalance = function(){
    //as not specified in ng-model, setting the value of trx.marked_reconciled manually in logic
    //select all  
    //calculate balance
