"table or view does not exist" 进入 Oracle 数据库

"table or view does not exist" Comming in Oracle DB

James   1000    
Kepler  2000    
Ronny   1300    
Edward  1500    
Patrick 1700    
John    1660    
Danny   1600    
Hemry   1234    
Harry   1236    

select * 来自( select * 来自学生 ) t1 其中 t1.payment=(select max(payment) from t1)


select * 来自学生 where payment=(select max(payment) from student)


但是谁能解释一下为什么 t1 不正确? t1是where子句怎么用请告诉

with t1 as (select max(payment) payment from student )

select name, student.payment from student ,t1 where student.payment = t1.

CTE 可能是最简单的选择; T1 将是 CTE 本身,您可以在之后引用它:

with t1 as (select * from student)
select * from t1
where t1.payment = (select max(payment) from t1);

这会导致错误,因为 T1 不是 table,from 应该以 table 开头,您可以使用 Common Table Expression


with ct as (
select 1,2 from dual )

select * from ct


with st as ( select * from student)
select * from st where st.paymnet=(select max(payment) from st)