如何使用 ExcelDataReader 库获取列宽?

How to get column width using ExcelDataReader library?


using(var xls2003Stream = new MemoryStream(xlsBytes)) 
    using(var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(xls2003Stream))
        var height = reader.RowHeight;

但问题是 - 我可以使用 ExcelDataReader 库获取列宽吗?

基于 searching the library's repo for the word width doesn't show up anything useful, I'm going to say no it's not currently possible. But then, from the issue you opened 这一事实,您知道对吗? :)

问题在 GitHub 上打开,因为他们只是没有实现这个 属性。 https://github.com/ExcelDataReader/ExcelDataReader/issues/365