Calculation of distance between coordinates in Python
这是我使用 Netlogo 创建的基于代理的模型,现在正试图将其转换为 Python
import random
class Bug:
def __init__(self, number, xPos, yPos, worldXSize = 80, worldYSize = 80):
# the environment
self.number = number
self.worldXSize = worldXSize
self.worldYSize = worldYSize
# the bug
self.xPos = xPos
self.yPos = yPos
print ("Bug number ", self.number, \
" has been created at ", self.xPos, ", ", self.yPos)
# the action
def randomWalk(self):
self.xPos += randomMove()
self.yPos += randomMove()
self.xPos = (self.xPos + self.worldXSize) % self.worldXSize
self.yPos = (self.yPos + self.worldYSize) % self.worldYSize
# report
def reportPosition(self):
print ("Bug number ", self.number, " moved to X = ", \
self.xPos, " Y = ", self.yPos)
# returns -1, 0, 1 with equal probability
def randomMove():
return random.randint(-1, 1)
nBugs = input("How many bugs? ")
#bugList = [0] * nBugs
worldXSize= input("X Size of the world? ")
worldYSize= input("Y Size of the world? ")
length = input("Length of the simulation in cycles? ")
for i in range(nBugs):
aBug = Bug(i, random.randint(0,worldXSize-1), \
worldXSize, worldYSize)
for t in range(length):
for aBug in bugList:
to setup
create-turtles nBugs
to go
if ticks >= nCycles [stop]
ask turtles
[ set xcor xcor + random 3 - 1
set ycor ycor + random 3 - 1
type "I'm agent " type who type " and the farthest turtle from me is " print max-one-of turtles [distance myself]
以下是我对您所追求的目标的估计。我从 turtle 导入了 Vec2D
from random import randint, randrange
from turtle import Vec2D
class Bug:
def __init__(self, number, worldXSize=80, worldYSize=80):
# the environment
self.number = number
self.worldXSize = worldXSize
self.worldYSize = worldYSize
# the bug
self.position = Vec2D(randrange(worldYSize), randrange(worldYSize))
print("Bug number", self.number, "has been created at", self.position)
# the action
def randomWalk(self):
self.position += randomMove()
def distance(self, other):
return abs(other.position - self.position)
# report
def reportPosition(self):
print("Bug number", self.number, "is located at", self.position)
distance, bug = max((self.distance(bug), bug.number) for bug in bugList if bug != self)
print("the farthest bug from me is", bug, "at a distance of", distance)
# returns -1, 0, 1 with equal probability
def randomMove():
return Vec2D(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
nBugs = int(input("How many bugs? "))
worldXSize = int(input("X Size of the world? "))
worldYSize = int(input("Y Size of the world? "))
length = int(input("Length of the simulation in cycles? "))
bugList = [Bug(i + 1, worldXSize, worldYSize) for i in range(nBugs)]
for _ in range(length):
for bug in bugList:
for bug in bugList:
虽然我使用 worldXSize
和 worldYSize
self.xPos = (self.xPos + self.worldXSize) % self.worldXSize
因为它看起来很简单,下面就是你想要的(同上 Y 坐标):
self.xPos = self.xPos % self.worldXSize
而且我完全看不出您的代码如何 运行,因为您在数学情况下使用它们之前没有将任何输入从字符串转换为数字。
% python3
How many bugs? 3
X Size of the world? 100
Y Size of the world? 100
Length of the simulation in cycles? 4
Bug number 1 has been created at (94.00,9.00)
Bug number 2 has been created at (91.00,40.00)
Bug number 3 has been created at (29.00,18.00)
Bug number 1 is located at (93.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.77653896280658
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,41.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.8459713474939
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,19.00)
the farthest bug from me is 2 at a distance of 64.8459713474939
Bug number 1 is located at (94.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 66.91038783328041
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,40.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 65.14598989960932
Bug number 3 is located at (28.00,20.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 66.91038783328041
Bug number 1 is located at (95.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 66.75327707311455
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,39.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.19501538281614
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,19.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 66.75327707311455
Bug number 1 is located at (96.00,8.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 68.06614430096654
Bug number 2 is located at (89.00,39.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 62.93647591023825
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,20.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 68.06614430096654
这是我使用 Netlogo 创建的基于代理的模型,现在正试图将其转换为 Python
import random
class Bug:
def __init__(self, number, xPos, yPos, worldXSize = 80, worldYSize = 80):
# the environment
self.number = number
self.worldXSize = worldXSize
self.worldYSize = worldYSize
# the bug
self.xPos = xPos
self.yPos = yPos
print ("Bug number ", self.number, \
" has been created at ", self.xPos, ", ", self.yPos)
# the action
def randomWalk(self):
self.xPos += randomMove()
self.yPos += randomMove()
self.xPos = (self.xPos + self.worldXSize) % self.worldXSize
self.yPos = (self.yPos + self.worldYSize) % self.worldYSize
# report
def reportPosition(self):
print ("Bug number ", self.number, " moved to X = ", \
self.xPos, " Y = ", self.yPos)
# returns -1, 0, 1 with equal probability
def randomMove():
return random.randint(-1, 1)
nBugs = input("How many bugs? ")
#bugList = [0] * nBugs
worldXSize= input("X Size of the world? ")
worldYSize= input("Y Size of the world? ")
length = input("Length of the simulation in cycles? ")
for i in range(nBugs):
aBug = Bug(i, random.randint(0,worldXSize-1), \
worldXSize, worldYSize)
for t in range(length):
for aBug in bugList:
to setup
create-turtles nBugs
to go
if ticks >= nCycles [stop]
ask turtles
[ set xcor xcor + random 3 - 1
set ycor ycor + random 3 - 1
type "I'm agent " type who type " and the farthest turtle from me is " print max-one-of turtles [distance myself]
以下是我对您所追求的目标的估计。我从 turtle 导入了 Vec2D
from random import randint, randrange
from turtle import Vec2D
class Bug:
def __init__(self, number, worldXSize=80, worldYSize=80):
# the environment
self.number = number
self.worldXSize = worldXSize
self.worldYSize = worldYSize
# the bug
self.position = Vec2D(randrange(worldYSize), randrange(worldYSize))
print("Bug number", self.number, "has been created at", self.position)
# the action
def randomWalk(self):
self.position += randomMove()
def distance(self, other):
return abs(other.position - self.position)
# report
def reportPosition(self):
print("Bug number", self.number, "is located at", self.position)
distance, bug = max((self.distance(bug), bug.number) for bug in bugList if bug != self)
print("the farthest bug from me is", bug, "at a distance of", distance)
# returns -1, 0, 1 with equal probability
def randomMove():
return Vec2D(randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1))
nBugs = int(input("How many bugs? "))
worldXSize = int(input("X Size of the world? "))
worldYSize = int(input("Y Size of the world? "))
length = int(input("Length of the simulation in cycles? "))
bugList = [Bug(i + 1, worldXSize, worldYSize) for i in range(nBugs)]
for _ in range(length):
for bug in bugList:
for bug in bugList:
虽然我使用 worldXSize
和 worldYSize
self.xPos = (self.xPos + self.worldXSize) % self.worldXSize
因为它看起来很简单,下面就是你想要的(同上 Y 坐标):
self.xPos = self.xPos % self.worldXSize
而且我完全看不出您的代码如何 运行,因为您在数学情况下使用它们之前没有将任何输入从字符串转换为数字。
% python3
How many bugs? 3
X Size of the world? 100
Y Size of the world? 100
Length of the simulation in cycles? 4
Bug number 1 has been created at (94.00,9.00)
Bug number 2 has been created at (91.00,40.00)
Bug number 3 has been created at (29.00,18.00)
Bug number 1 is located at (93.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.77653896280658
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,41.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.8459713474939
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,19.00)
the farthest bug from me is 2 at a distance of 64.8459713474939
Bug number 1 is located at (94.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 66.91038783328041
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,40.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 65.14598989960932
Bug number 3 is located at (28.00,20.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 66.91038783328041
Bug number 1 is located at (95.00,9.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 66.75327707311455
Bug number 2 is located at (90.00,39.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 64.19501538281614
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,19.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 66.75327707311455
Bug number 1 is located at (96.00,8.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 68.06614430096654
Bug number 2 is located at (89.00,39.00)
the farthest bug from me is 3 at a distance of 62.93647591023825
Bug number 3 is located at (29.00,20.00)
the farthest bug from me is 1 at a distance of 68.06614430096654