跟踪时 Prolog 中的重做是什么?

What is redo in Prolog when you trace?


arc(a, g).
arc(a, b).
arc(b, g).

path(X, Z, Path) :-
    length(Path, _),
    path_r(X, Z, Path).

path_r(Z, Z, []).
path_r(X, Z, [X|Path]) :-
    arc(X, Y),
    path(Y, Z, Path).


    2    2  Redo: length([],0) ? 

这里发生了什么? 另外,该行左边的 2 2 是什么?


  1    1  Call: path(a,g,_23) ? 
  2    2  Call: length(_23,_55) ? 
  2    2  Exit: length([],0) ? 
  3    2  Call: path_r(a,g,[]) ? 
  3    2  Fail: path_r(a,g,[]) ? 
  2    2  Redo: length([],0) ? 
  2    2  Exit: length([_80],1) ? 
  3    2  Call: path_r(a,g,[_80]) ? 
  4    3  Call: arc(a,_146) ? 
  4    3  Exit: arc(a,g) ? 
  5    3  Call: path(g,g,[]) ? 
  6    4  Call: length([],_158) ? 
  6    4  Exit: length([],0) ? 
  7    4  Call: path_r(g,g,[]) ? 
  7    4  Exit: path_r(g,g,[]) ? 
  5    3  Exit: path(g,g,[]) ? 
  3    2  Exit: path_r(a,g,[a]) ? 
  1    1  Exit: path(a,g,[a]) ? 



如果你 运行 在 SWI-Prolog 中查询 length(X,N) 你会得到。

?- length(List,N).
List = [],
N = 0 ;
List = [_774],
N = 1 ;
List = [_774, _780],
N = 2 ;
List = [_774, _780, _786],
N = 3 ;
List = [_774, _780, _786, _792],
N = 4 ;
List = [_774, _780, _786, _792, _798],
N = 5 

注意如何return编辑长度递增的列表。当您想要生成列表结果并且您不知道列表的长度或想要 return 不同长度的列表时,这个常用的技巧就可以做到这一点。

花几个小时看看 Whosebug or other places and you notice the use of length/2 上 Prolog 示例中的其他代码,现在您已经知道了。


Redo: length([],0) ? 

What's happening here?

这是您的跟踪输出;我添加了标识符和行号以准确识别 Trace 行。

Trace  1   1    1  Call: path(a,g,_23) ? 
Trace  2   2    2  Call: length(_23,_55) ? 
Trace  3   2    2  Exit: length([],0) ? 
Trace  4   3    2  Call: path_r(a,g,[]) ? 
Trace  5   3    2  Fail: path_r(a,g,[]) ? 
Trace  6   2    2  Redo: length([],0) ? 
Trace  7   2    2  Exit: length([_80],1) ? 
Trace  8   3    2  Call: path_r(a,g,[_80]) ? 
Trace  9   4    3  Call: arc(a,_146) ? 
Trace 10   4    3  Exit: arc(a,g) ? 
Trace 11   5    3  Call: path(g,g,[]) ? 
Trace 12   6    4  Call: length([],_158) ? 
Trace 13   6    4  Exit: length([],0) ? 
Trace 14   7    4  Call: path_r(g,g,[]) ? 
Trace 15   7    4  Exit: path_r(g,g,[]) ? 
Trace 16   5    3  Exit: path(g,g,[]) ? 
Trace 17   3    2  Exit: path_r(a,g,[a]) ? 
Trace 18   1    1  Exit: path(a,g,[a]) ?  

这是您的源代码;我添加了标识符和行号以准确识别 FactPredicate 行。

Fact 1          arc(a, g).
Fact 2          arc(a, b).
Fact 3          arc(b, g).

Predicate 1,1   path(X, Z, Path) :-
Predicate 1,2      length(Path, _),
Predicate 1,3      path_r(X, Z, Path).

Predicate 2,1   path_r(Z, Z, []).

Predicate 3,1   path_r(X, Z, [X|Path]) :-
Predicate 3,2       arc(X, Y),
Predicate 3,3       path(Y, Z, Path).


要了解下面对 length/2 的调用,请参阅其他 的长评论。

Trace  1 is your initial query `path(a,g,X)`  
         Prolog unifies this with Predicate 1,1 `path(X, Z, Path)`  
         Prolog unifies `a` with `X`, `g` with `Z`, and `X` with `Path`  
Trace  2 is Predicate 1,2 `length(Path,_)`  
         Prolog unifies `_23` with `Path` and `_` with `_55`  
         Prolog then calls `length/2` and upon return  
        `Path` is unified with `[]` and `_` is unified with `0`  
Trace  3 `length(_23,_55)` is unified to `length([],0)`  
Trace  4 is Predicate 1,3 `path_r(X, Z, Path).  
         Prolog unifies `a` with `X`, `g` with `Z`, and `Path` with `[]`  
         Prolog calls Predicate 2,1  
Trace  5 is Predicate 2,1 `path_r(Z, Z, [])`  
         Prolog unifies `a` with `Z`  
         Prolog can not unify `g` with `Z` because `Z` is `a` and fails.  
Trace  6 is Predicate 1,2 `length(Path,_)` 
         Prolog knows `length([],0)` failed  
         Prolog redoes (REDO) the call to `length/2` 
Trace  7 is Predicate 1,2 `length(Path,_)` 
        `Path` is unified with `[_80]` and `_` is unified with `1`  
Trace  8 is Predicate 1,3 `path_r(X, Z, Path)`  
         Prolog unifies `a` with `X`, `g` with `Z`, and `Path` with `[_80]`  
         Prolog calls Predicate 3,1 it can not call Predicate 2,1 because `Path` which is `[_80]` can not unify with `[]`.
Trace  9 is Predicate 3,2 `arc(X,Y)`
         Prolog unifies 'a` with `X` and `_146` with `Y`
         Prolog calls Fact 1
Trace 10 is Fact 1 `arc(a, g).`
         Prolog unifies `a` with `a` and `g` with `Y`


虽然该示例是一个非常简单的示例,但对于刚接触 Prolog 的学生来说,length/2 的使用确实使其更难理解。