
How to properly close Excel.Application?

我有一个小脚本,允许我将多个 .csv 合并到一个 .xlsx:

$path = "C:\Users\FrancescoM\Desktop\CSV\Results\*"
$csvs = Get-ChildItem $path -Include *.csv
$y = $csvs.Count
Write-Host "Detected the following CSV files: ($y)"
Write-Host " "$csvs.Name"`n"
$outputfilename = "Final Registry Results"
Write-Host Creating: $outputfilename
$excelapp = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excelapp.SheetsInNewWorkbook = $csvs.Count
$xlsx = $excelapp.Workbooks.Add()
for ($i=1; $i -le $y; $i++) {
    $worksheet = $xlsx.Worksheets.Item($i)
    $worksheet.Name = $csvs[$i-1].Name
    $file = (Import-Csv $csvs[$i-1].FullName)
    $file | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation | Clip
    $worksheet.Cells.Item(1).PasteSpecial() | Out-Null

$output = "Results.xlsx"

如果我 运行 它一旦完美运行就会创建我的“Results.xlsx”文件。

但是,如果我随后 删除 “Results.xlsx”文件并再次 运行 代码,我会收到此错误:

A file named 'Results.xlsx' already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it?

但是很明显该文件已经不存在了。我相信我以错误的方式关闭了 Excel.Application。怎么关闭才对?

正如 Ansgar Wiechers 评论的那样,最好为这段代码使用完整路径和文件名 $output = "Results.xlsx" 否则,输出将写入 Excel 的当前目录并且可能不是你期望的那样。

要回答问题 如何正确关闭 Excel.Application?,您不仅需要在完成后退出 Excel,还需要释放 Com 对象在代码中使用。 你这样做:


# release the WorkSheet Com object
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsx) | Out-Null
# release the Excel.Application Com object
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excelapp) | Out-Null 
# Force garbage collection
# Suspend the current thread until the thread that is processing the queue of finalizers has emptied that queue.