
Does returning a bound local function object cause undefined behaviour?

下面我举个例子。该程序编译并运行良好,但我想知道根据 C++11 标准,这是否是理论上未定义的行为;我可以 return 绑定(临时)局部函数对象的结果吗?


#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

struct MyFunctionObject
    inline void operator() ( const std::string& name )
        { std::cout<< "Hello " << name << "!" << std::endl; }

std::function< void () > my_greeter( const std::string& name )
    MyFunctionObject fun;
    return std::bind( fun, name );

int main()
    auto g = my_greeter("sheljohn");

编辑 原始示例:

#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

        /********************     **********     ********************/
        /********************     **********     ********************/

namespace foo {

 * Type of the generator returned by the method 'bind' below.
template <class _dist>
using generator_type = std::function< typename _dist::result_type () >;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Wrapper for C++11 random library.
template <
    class _engine = std::mt19937_64,
    class _device = std::random_device
struct random
    typedef _engine engine_type;
    typedef _device device_type;
    typedef random<_engine,_device> self;

    template <class _dist>
    static inline generator_type<_dist>
    bind( _dist& distribution )
        { return std::bind( distribution, self::engine ); }

    template <class _dist>
    static inline generator_type<_dist>
    bind( _dist&& distribution )
        { return std::bind( distribution, self::engine ); }

    static engine_type engine;
    static device_type device;

// Initialize static engine
template <class _engine,class _device>
_device random<_engine,_device>::device;

template <class _engine,class _device>
_engine random<_engine,_device>::engine = _engine( device() );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Generic binder to standard random distributions.
 * SO QUESTION: does this cause undefined behaviour?

template <class _dist, class... Args>
constexpr generator_type<_dist> random_generator( Args&&... args )
    { return random<>::bind( _dist( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) ); }

}; // namespace: foo

        /********************     **********     ********************/
        /********************     **********     ********************/

int main()
    auto ngen = foo::random_generator< std::normal_distribution<double> >( 0.0, 1.0 );

    for(unsigned i=0; i<10; ++i) 
        std::cout<< ngen() << " " << std::endl;



return std::bind( distribution, self::engine );

你按值传递 'distribution',这意味着传递的是它的一个副本(尽管 distribution 是一个可变引用)。由于不能在指定位置为同一类型的值和引用重载函数,因此您想要这样做的函数中必须存在各种技巧 - 就是这样:bind() 需要 std::reference_wrapper - 包装类型以传递引用。所以如果你这样做,你肯定会有未定义的行为:

return std::bind( ref(distribution), self::engine );

此处可供您使用。在这种情况下,您将传递一个 真实引用 来绑定,在这种情况下,它是对传递给包含它的函数外部的局部变量的引用。

该标准实际上在 §26.5 中有关于使用随机数生成器调用 bind() 的特定位:

[ Note: These entities are specified in such a way as to permit the binding of any uniform random number generator object e as the argument to any random number distribution object d, thus producing a zero-argument function object such as given by bind(d,e). —end note ]


同样来自 [func.bind.bind],描述指出当您调用 bind(F&& f, BoundArgs&&... bound_args) 时(强调我的):

  • FD is the type decay_t<F>,
  • fd is an lvalue of type FD constructed from std::forward<F>(f)
  • Ti is the ith type in the template parameter pack BoundArgs
  • TiD is the type decay_t<Ti>
  • ti is the ith type in the function parameter pack bound_args
  • tid is an lvalue of type TiD constructed from std::forward<Ti>(ti)
  • ..

Returns: A forwarding call wrapper g... The effect of g(,u1, u2, ..., uM) shall be INVOKE(fd, std::forward<V1>(v1), std::forward<V2>(V2), ... std::forward<VN>(vN), result_of_t<FD cv & (V1, V2, ..., VN)>)

这个部分让我有点困惑,但基本上你传入的仿函数和参数被转发(copied/move)到本地版本,fdtid...bind 不会保留对函子的引用(FD 不是 引用类型!),所有参数也是如此( BoundArgsTiD 类型也是 而非 引用类型)。因此,在您的新示例中,即使 funname 引用的字符串都超出了范围, bind() 结果仍然是一个有效的可调用对象。
