如何为 components/scripts 创建泛型池系统?

How to create Generics Pooling System for components/scripts?



My FXDistribrutor.cs class 是初始场景中附加到某个对象的组件,旨在永久存在于游戏的所有场景中。它有一个对自身的静态引用,所以我可以很容易地从任何地方调用它。更多关于最后的设计。我什至不确定这是否是执行此操作的 'right' 方法。但效果很好。

FXDistributor 有一个 public 插槽用于它能够分配的每种类型的 FX 单元,以及一个用于此类 FX 池的数组,以及一个数组索引和池大小.


    public BumperFX BmprFX;
    BumperFX[] _poolOfBumperFX;
    int _indexBumperFX, _poolSize = 10;

    public LandingFX LndngFX;
    LandingFX[] _poolOfLndngFX;
    int _indexLndngFX, _poolSizeLndngFX = 5;

在 Unity Start 调用中,我填充了每个 FX Unit 的池:

void Start(){

    _poolOfBumperFX = new BumperFX[_poolSize];
    for (var i = 0; i < _poolSize; i++) {
    _poolOfBumperFX[i] = Instantiate(BmprFX, transform );

    _poolOfLndngFX = new LandingFX[_poolSizeLndngFX];
    for ( var i = 0; i < _poolSizeLndngFX; i++ ) {
    _poolOfLndngFX[i] = Instantiate( LndngFX, transform );

在 class 的正文中,我为每种 FX 类型提供了一堆方法,以将它们提供给需要的地方:

public LandingFX GimmeLandingFX ( ){
    if ( _indexLndngFX == _poolSizeLndngFX ) _indexLndngFX = 0;
    var lndngFX = _poolOfLndngFX[_indexLndngFX];
    _indexLndngFX++; return lndngFX;
public BumperFX GimmeBumperFX ( ) {
    if ( _indexBumperFX == _poolSize ) _indexBumperFX = 0;
    var bumperFX = _poolOfBumperFX[_indexBumperFX];
    _indexBumperFX++;   return bumperFX;

因此,当我想要这些 FX 之一并使用它时,我会从任何地方这样调用静态引用:

    FXDistributor.sRef.GimmeLandingFX( ).Bounce(

我如何使用泛型简化这种方法,以便我可以轻松且不那么混乱地为几十种 FX 单元做这种事情?

我对这个解决方案不是很满意,但是将一个不错的 与使用简单的 Dictionary<K, V> 结合起来会产生以下结果:

// pool of single object type, uses new for instantiation
public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new()
    // this will hold all the instances, notice that it's up to caller to make sure
    // the pool size is big enough not to reuse an object that's still in use
    private readonly T[] _pool = new T[_maxObjects];
    private int _current = 0;

    public ObjectPool()
        // performs initialization, one may consider doing lazy initialization afterwards
        for (int i = 0; i < _maxObjects; ++i)
            _pool[i] = new T();

    private const int _maxObjects = 100;  // Set this to whatever

    public T Get()
        return _pool[_current++ % _maxObjects];

// pool of generic pools
public class PoolPool
    // this holds a reference to pools of known (previously used) object pools
    // I'm dissatisfied with an use of object here, but that's a way around the generics :/
    private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _pool = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

    public T Get<T>() where T : new()
        // is the pool already instantiated?
        if (_pool.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var o))
            // if yes, reuse it (we know o should be of type ObjectPool<T>,
            // where T matches the current generic argument
            return ((ObjectPool<T>)o).Get();

        // First time we see T, create new pool and store it in lookup dictionary
        // for later use
        ObjectPool<T> pool = new ObjectPool<T>();
        _pool.Add(typeof(T), pool);

        return pool.Get();



然而,这仍然留下了改进的空间,因为它使用 new 而不是您的工厂方法来实例化 类,并且没有提供以通用方式自定义池大小的方法。

在 Unity 中,Instantiate() and Destroy() 函数用于创建对象(尤其是预制件)的副本并销毁它们。说到池化,池对象通常在池中表示为 GameObject 的 Type。当您需要从池中访问组件时,您首先检索池 GameObject,然后使用 GetComponent 函数从 GameObject 检索组件。

仔细阅读你的问题和评论,你想避开 GetComponent 部分并只代表组件 而不是 游戏对象,这样你也可以直接访问组件.

如果这是您想要的,那么这就是需要 Unity 的 Component 的地方。请参阅下文了解执行此操作所需的步骤。

请注意,当我说 component/script 时,我指的是派生自 MonoBehaviour 的脚本,这些脚本可以附加到游戏对象或内置的 Unity 组件,例如 RigidbodyBoxCollider.

1。将 components/scripts 存储到 Component.

List<Component> components;

2。将组件列表存储在以 Type 为键、以 List<Component> 为值的字典中。这使得按 Type.

Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict;

3。剩下的就很简单了。使从字典中添加或检索池项目的函数成为通用的,然后使用 Convert.ChangeType 在通用类型与 Component 类型之间进行转换,或者从通用类型转换为请求的任何类型returned.

4。当你需要向字典中添加项目时,检查 Type 是否存在,如果存在,检索现有密钥,createadd 使用 Instantiate 函数将其新建 Component,然后将其保存到词典中。

如果 Type 尚不存在,则无需从 Dictionary 中检索任何数据。只需创建一个新的并将其添加到字典中,其 Type


5。当您需要从池中检索项目时,检查 Type 是否作为键存在,然后检索 ComponentList 的值。遍历组件和 return 具有已停用游戏对象的任何组件。您可以通过检查 component.gameObject.activeInHierarchy 是否为 false 来检查这一点。

从池中检索项目后 激活 GameObject component.gameObject.SetActive(true)

如果没有找到组件,您可以决定 return null 或实例化新组件。

6。要在使用完项目后将其回收回池中,您无需调用 Destroy 函数。只需 取消激活 游戏对象 component.gameObject.SetActive(false)*。这将使您下次在 DictionaryList 中搜索可用组件时能够找到该组件。


public class ComponentPool
    //Determines if pool should expand when no pool is available or just return null
    public bool autoExpand = true;
    //Links the type of the componet with the component
    Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Component>>();

    public ComponentPool() { }

    //Adds Prefab component to the ComponentPool
    public void AddPrefab<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
        _AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, count);

    private Component _AddComponentType<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
        Type compType = typeof(T);

        if (count <= 0)
            Debug.LogError("Count cannot be <= 0");
            return null;

        //Check if the component type already exist in the Dictionary
        List<Component> comp;
        if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
            if (comp == null)
                comp = new List<Component>();

            //Create the type of component x times
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
                Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
                Component instance = Instantiate(original);
                //De-activate each one until when needed
            //Create the type of component x times
            comp = new List<Component>();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                //Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
                Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
                Component instance = Instantiate(original);
                //De-activate each one until when needed

        //UPDATE the Dictionary with the new List of components
        poolTypeDict[compType] = comp;

        /*Return last data added to the List
         Needed in the GetAvailableObject function when there is no Component
         avaiable to return. New one is then created and returned
        return comp[comp.Count - 1];

    //Get available component in the ComponentPool
    public T GetAvailableObject<T>(T prefabReference)
        Type compType = typeof(T);

        //Get all component with the requested type from  the Dictionary
        List<Component> comp;
        if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
            //Get de-activated GameObject in the loop
            for (int i = 0; i < comp.Count; i++)
                if (!comp[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    //Activate the GameObject then return it
                    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(comp[i], typeof(T));

        //No available object in the pool. Expand array if enabled or return null
        if (autoExpand)
            //Create new component, activate the GameObject and return it
            Component instance = _AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, 1);
            return (T)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(T));
        return default(T);

public static class ExtensionMethod
    public static void RecyclePool(this Component component)
        //Reset position and then de-activate the GameObject of the component
        GameObject obj = component.gameObject;
        obj.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;




public class LandingFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }

public class BumperFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }

两个变量来保存预制件引用。您可以使用 public 变量并从编辑器中分配它们或使用 加载它们。

public LandingFX landingFxPrefab;
public BumperFX bumperFxPrefab;


ComponentPool cmpPool = new ComponentPool();
cmpPool.autoExpand = false;

为 LandingFX 和 BumperFX 组件创建 2 个池。它可以使用 any 组件

//AddPrefab 2 objects type of LandingFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(landingFxPrefab, 2);
//AddPrefab 2 objects type of BumperFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(bumperFxPrefab, 2);

当你需要一个 LandingFX 从池中,你可以检索它们如下:

LandingFX lndngFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);
LandingFX lndngFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);

当你需要一个 BumperFX 从池中,你可以检索它们如下:

BumperFX bmpFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);
BumperFX bmpFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);

