如何为 components/scripts 创建泛型池系统?
How to create Generics Pooling System for components/scripts?
My FXDistribrutor.cs class 是初始场景中附加到某个对象的组件,旨在永久存在于游戏的所有场景中。它有一个对自身的静态引用,所以我可以很容易地从任何地方调用它。更多关于最后的设计。我什至不确定这是否是执行此操作的 'right' 方法。但效果很好。
FXDistributor 有一个 public 插槽用于它能够分配的每种类型的 FX 单元,以及一个用于此类 FX 池的数组,以及一个数组索引和池大小.
public BumperFX BmprFX;
BumperFX[] _poolOfBumperFX;
int _indexBumperFX, _poolSize = 10;
public LandingFX LndngFX;
LandingFX[] _poolOfLndngFX;
int _indexLndngFX, _poolSizeLndngFX = 5;
在 Unity Start 调用中,我填充了每个 FX Unit 的池:
void Start(){
_poolOfBumperFX = new BumperFX[_poolSize];
for (var i = 0; i < _poolSize; i++) {
_poolOfBumperFX[i] = Instantiate(BmprFX, transform );
_poolOfLndngFX = new LandingFX[_poolSizeLndngFX];
for ( var i = 0; i < _poolSizeLndngFX; i++ ) {
_poolOfLndngFX[i] = Instantiate( LndngFX, transform );
在 class 的正文中,我为每种 FX 类型提供了一堆方法,以将它们提供给需要的地方:
public LandingFX GimmeLandingFX ( ){
if ( _indexLndngFX == _poolSizeLndngFX ) _indexLndngFX = 0;
var lndngFX = _poolOfLndngFX[_indexLndngFX];
_indexLndngFX++; return lndngFX;
public BumperFX GimmeBumperFX ( ) {
if ( _indexBumperFX == _poolSize ) _indexBumperFX = 0;
var bumperFX = _poolOfBumperFX[_indexBumperFX];
_indexBumperFX++; return bumperFX;
因此,当我想要这些 FX 之一并使用它时,我会从任何地方这样调用静态引用:
FXDistributor.sRef.GimmeLandingFX( ).Bounce(
我如何使用泛型简化这种方法,以便我可以轻松且不那么混乱地为几十种 FX 单元做这种事情?
我对这个解决方案不是很满意,但是将一个不错的 与使用简单的 Dictionary<K, V>
// pool of single object type, uses new for instantiation
public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new()
// this will hold all the instances, notice that it's up to caller to make sure
// the pool size is big enough not to reuse an object that's still in use
private readonly T[] _pool = new T[_maxObjects];
private int _current = 0;
public ObjectPool()
// performs initialization, one may consider doing lazy initialization afterwards
for (int i = 0; i < _maxObjects; ++i)
_pool[i] = new T();
private const int _maxObjects = 100; // Set this to whatever
public T Get()
return _pool[_current++ % _maxObjects];
// pool of generic pools
public class PoolPool
// this holds a reference to pools of known (previously used) object pools
// I'm dissatisfied with an use of object here, but that's a way around the generics :/
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _pool = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public T Get<T>() where T : new()
// is the pool already instantiated?
if (_pool.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var o))
// if yes, reuse it (we know o should be of type ObjectPool<T>,
// where T matches the current generic argument
return ((ObjectPool<T>)o).Get();
// First time we see T, create new pool and store it in lookup dictionary
// for later use
ObjectPool<T> pool = new ObjectPool<T>();
_pool.Add(typeof(T), pool);
return pool.Get();
然而,这仍然留下了改进的空间,因为它使用 new
而不是您的工厂方法来实例化 类,并且没有提供以通用方式自定义池大小的方法。
在 Unity 中,Instantiate()
and Destroy()
函数用于创建对象(尤其是预制件)的副本并销毁它们。说到池化,池对象通常在池中表示为 GameObject 的 Type。当您需要从池中访问组件时,您首先检索池 GameObject,然后使用 GetComponent
函数从 GameObject 检索组件。
仔细阅读你的问题和评论,你想避开 GetComponent
部分并只代表组件 而不是 游戏对象,这样你也可以直接访问组件.
如果这是您想要的,那么这就是需要 Unity 的 Component
请注意,当我说 component/script 时,我指的是派生自 MonoBehaviour
的脚本,这些脚本可以附加到游戏对象或内置的 Unity 组件,例如 Rigidbody
和 BoxCollider
1。将 components/scripts 存储到 Component
List<Component> components;
2。将组件列表存储在以 Type
为键、以 List<Component>
为值的字典中。这使得按 Type
Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict;
3。剩下的就很简单了。使从字典中添加或检索池项目的函数成为通用的,然后使用 Convert.ChangeType
在通用类型与 Component
4。当你需要向字典中添加项目时,检查 Type
是否存在,如果存在,检索现有密钥,create 和 add 使用 Instantiate
函数将其新建 Component
如果 Type
尚不存在,则无需从 Dictionary
中检索任何数据。只需创建一个新的并将其添加到字典中,其 Type
5。当您需要从池中检索项目时,检查 Type
是否作为键存在,然后检索 Component
的 List
的值。遍历组件和 return 具有已停用游戏对象的任何组件。您可以通过检查 component.gameObject.activeInHierarchy
是否为 false
从池中检索项目后 激活 GameObject component.gameObject.SetActive(true)
如果没有找到组件,您可以决定 return null 或实例化新组件。
6。要在使用完项目后将其回收回池中,您无需调用 Destroy
函数。只需 取消激活 游戏对象 component.gameObject.SetActive(false)
*。这将使您下次在 Dictionary
和 List
public class ComponentPool
//Determines if pool should expand when no pool is available or just return null
public bool autoExpand = true;
//Links the type of the componet with the component
Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Component>>();
public ComponentPool() { }
//Adds Prefab component to the ComponentPool
public void AddPrefab<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
_AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, count);
private Component _AddComponentType<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
Type compType = typeof(T);
if (count <= 0)
Debug.LogError("Count cannot be <= 0");
return null;
//Check if the component type already exist in the Dictionary
List<Component> comp;
if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
if (comp == null)
comp = new List<Component>();
//Create the type of component x times
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
Component instance = Instantiate(original);
//De-activate each one until when needed
//Create the type of component x times
comp = new List<Component>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
Component instance = Instantiate(original);
//De-activate each one until when needed
//UPDATE the Dictionary with the new List of components
poolTypeDict[compType] = comp;
/*Return last data added to the List
Needed in the GetAvailableObject function when there is no Component
avaiable to return. New one is then created and returned
return comp[comp.Count - 1];
//Get available component in the ComponentPool
public T GetAvailableObject<T>(T prefabReference)
Type compType = typeof(T);
//Get all component with the requested type from the Dictionary
List<Component> comp;
if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
//Get de-activated GameObject in the loop
for (int i = 0; i < comp.Count; i++)
if (!comp[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
//Activate the GameObject then return it
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(comp[i], typeof(T));
//No available object in the pool. Expand array if enabled or return null
if (autoExpand)
//Create new component, activate the GameObject and return it
Component instance = _AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, 1);
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(T));
return default(T);
public static class ExtensionMethod
public static void RecyclePool(this Component component)
//Reset position and then de-activate the GameObject of the component
GameObject obj = component.gameObject;
obj.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
public class LandingFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }
public class BumperFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }
两个变量来保存预制件引用。您可以使用 public 变量并从编辑器中分配它们或使用 加载它们。
public LandingFX landingFxPrefab;
public BumperFX bumperFxPrefab;
ComponentPool cmpPool = new ComponentPool();
cmpPool.autoExpand = false;
为 LandingFX 和 BumperFX 组件创建 2 个池。它可以使用 any 组件
//AddPrefab 2 objects type of LandingFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(landingFxPrefab, 2);
//AddPrefab 2 objects type of BumperFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(bumperFxPrefab, 2);
当你需要一个 LandingFX
LandingFX lndngFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);
LandingFX lndngFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);
当你需要一个 BumperFX
BumperFX bmpFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);
BumperFX bmpFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);
My FXDistribrutor.cs class 是初始场景中附加到某个对象的组件,旨在永久存在于游戏的所有场景中。它有一个对自身的静态引用,所以我可以很容易地从任何地方调用它。更多关于最后的设计。我什至不确定这是否是执行此操作的 'right' 方法。但效果很好。
FXDistributor 有一个 public 插槽用于它能够分配的每种类型的 FX 单元,以及一个用于此类 FX 池的数组,以及一个数组索引和池大小.
public BumperFX BmprFX;
BumperFX[] _poolOfBumperFX;
int _indexBumperFX, _poolSize = 10;
public LandingFX LndngFX;
LandingFX[] _poolOfLndngFX;
int _indexLndngFX, _poolSizeLndngFX = 5;
在 Unity Start 调用中,我填充了每个 FX Unit 的池:
void Start(){
_poolOfBumperFX = new BumperFX[_poolSize];
for (var i = 0; i < _poolSize; i++) {
_poolOfBumperFX[i] = Instantiate(BmprFX, transform );
_poolOfLndngFX = new LandingFX[_poolSizeLndngFX];
for ( var i = 0; i < _poolSizeLndngFX; i++ ) {
_poolOfLndngFX[i] = Instantiate( LndngFX, transform );
在 class 的正文中,我为每种 FX 类型提供了一堆方法,以将它们提供给需要的地方:
public LandingFX GimmeLandingFX ( ){
if ( _indexLndngFX == _poolSizeLndngFX ) _indexLndngFX = 0;
var lndngFX = _poolOfLndngFX[_indexLndngFX];
_indexLndngFX++; return lndngFX;
public BumperFX GimmeBumperFX ( ) {
if ( _indexBumperFX == _poolSize ) _indexBumperFX = 0;
var bumperFX = _poolOfBumperFX[_indexBumperFX];
_indexBumperFX++; return bumperFX;
因此,当我想要这些 FX 之一并使用它时,我会从任何地方这样调用静态引用:
FXDistributor.sRef.GimmeLandingFX( ).Bounce(
我如何使用泛型简化这种方法,以便我可以轻松且不那么混乱地为几十种 FX 单元做这种事情?
我对这个解决方案不是很满意,但是将一个不错的 Dictionary<K, V>
// pool of single object type, uses new for instantiation
public class ObjectPool<T> where T : new()
// this will hold all the instances, notice that it's up to caller to make sure
// the pool size is big enough not to reuse an object that's still in use
private readonly T[] _pool = new T[_maxObjects];
private int _current = 0;
public ObjectPool()
// performs initialization, one may consider doing lazy initialization afterwards
for (int i = 0; i < _maxObjects; ++i)
_pool[i] = new T();
private const int _maxObjects = 100; // Set this to whatever
public T Get()
return _pool[_current++ % _maxObjects];
// pool of generic pools
public class PoolPool
// this holds a reference to pools of known (previously used) object pools
// I'm dissatisfied with an use of object here, but that's a way around the generics :/
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _pool = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public T Get<T>() where T : new()
// is the pool already instantiated?
if (_pool.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var o))
// if yes, reuse it (we know o should be of type ObjectPool<T>,
// where T matches the current generic argument
return ((ObjectPool<T>)o).Get();
// First time we see T, create new pool and store it in lookup dictionary
// for later use
ObjectPool<T> pool = new ObjectPool<T>();
_pool.Add(typeof(T), pool);
return pool.Get();
然而,这仍然留下了改进的空间,因为它使用 new
而不是您的工厂方法来实例化 类,并且没有提供以通用方式自定义池大小的方法。
在 Unity 中,Instantiate()
and Destroy()
函数用于创建对象(尤其是预制件)的副本并销毁它们。说到池化,池对象通常在池中表示为 GameObject 的 Type。当您需要从池中访问组件时,您首先检索池 GameObject,然后使用 GetComponent
函数从 GameObject 检索组件。
仔细阅读你的问题和评论,你想避开 GetComponent
部分并只代表组件 而不是 游戏对象,这样你也可以直接访问组件.
如果这是您想要的,那么这就是需要 Unity 的 Component
请注意,当我说 component/script 时,我指的是派生自 MonoBehaviour
的脚本,这些脚本可以附加到游戏对象或内置的 Unity 组件,例如 Rigidbody
和 BoxCollider
1。将 components/scripts 存储到 Component
List<Component> components;
2。将组件列表存储在以 Type
为键、以 List<Component>
为值的字典中。这使得按 Type
Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict;
3。剩下的就很简单了。使从字典中添加或检索池项目的函数成为通用的,然后使用 Convert.ChangeType
在通用类型与 Component
4。当你需要向字典中添加项目时,检查 Type
是否存在,如果存在,检索现有密钥,create 和 add 使用 Instantiate
函数将其新建 Component
如果 Type
尚不存在,则无需从 Dictionary
中检索任何数据。只需创建一个新的并将其添加到字典中,其 Type
5。当您需要从池中检索项目时,检查 Type
是否作为键存在,然后检索 Component
的 List
的值。遍历组件和 return 具有已停用游戏对象的任何组件。您可以通过检查 component.gameObject.activeInHierarchy
是否为 false
从池中检索项目后 激活 GameObject component.gameObject.SetActive(true)
如果没有找到组件,您可以决定 return null 或实例化新组件。
6。要在使用完项目后将其回收回池中,您无需调用 Destroy
函数。只需 取消激活 游戏对象 component.gameObject.SetActive(false)
*。这将使您下次在 Dictionary
和 List
public class ComponentPool
//Determines if pool should expand when no pool is available or just return null
public bool autoExpand = true;
//Links the type of the componet with the component
Dictionary<Type, List<Component>> poolTypeDict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Component>>();
public ComponentPool() { }
//Adds Prefab component to the ComponentPool
public void AddPrefab<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
_AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, count);
private Component _AddComponentType<T>(T prefabReference, int count = 1)
Type compType = typeof(T);
if (count <= 0)
Debug.LogError("Count cannot be <= 0");
return null;
//Check if the component type already exist in the Dictionary
List<Component> comp;
if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
if (comp == null)
comp = new List<Component>();
//Create the type of component x times
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
Component instance = Instantiate(original);
//De-activate each one until when needed
//Create the type of component x times
comp = new List<Component>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//Instantiate new component and UPDATE the List of components
Component original = (Component)Convert.ChangeType(prefabReference, typeof(T));
Component instance = Instantiate(original);
//De-activate each one until when needed
//UPDATE the Dictionary with the new List of components
poolTypeDict[compType] = comp;
/*Return last data added to the List
Needed in the GetAvailableObject function when there is no Component
avaiable to return. New one is then created and returned
return comp[comp.Count - 1];
//Get available component in the ComponentPool
public T GetAvailableObject<T>(T prefabReference)
Type compType = typeof(T);
//Get all component with the requested type from the Dictionary
List<Component> comp;
if (poolTypeDict.TryGetValue(compType, out comp))
//Get de-activated GameObject in the loop
for (int i = 0; i < comp.Count; i++)
if (!comp[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
//Activate the GameObject then return it
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(comp[i], typeof(T));
//No available object in the pool. Expand array if enabled or return null
if (autoExpand)
//Create new component, activate the GameObject and return it
Component instance = _AddComponentType<T>(prefabReference, 1);
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(T));
return default(T);
public static class ExtensionMethod
public static void RecyclePool(this Component component)
//Reset position and then de-activate the GameObject of the component
GameObject obj = component.gameObject;
obj.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
public class LandingFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }
public class BumperFX : MonoBehaviour { ... }
两个变量来保存预制件引用。您可以使用 public 变量并从编辑器中分配它们或使用
public LandingFX landingFxPrefab;
public BumperFX bumperFxPrefab;
ComponentPool cmpPool = new ComponentPool();
cmpPool.autoExpand = false;
为 LandingFX 和 BumperFX 组件创建 2 个池。它可以使用 any 组件
//AddPrefab 2 objects type of LandingFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(landingFxPrefab, 2);
//AddPrefab 2 objects type of BumperFX
cmpPool.AddPrefab(bumperFxPrefab, 2);
当你需要一个 LandingFX
LandingFX lndngFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);
LandingFX lndngFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(landingFxPrefab);
当你需要一个 BumperFX
BumperFX bmpFX1 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);
BumperFX bmpFX2 = cmpPool.GetAvailableObject(bumperFxPrefab);