psycopg2 在“$body$”处或附近抛出未终止的美元引号字符串错误

psycopg2 throws unterminated dollar-quoted string error at or near "$body$"

我正在尝试构建一个 alembic 迁移修订版以在 PostgreSQL 服务器版本 10.2 中创建一个用户定义的函数,但是脚本不断抛出错误:

sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "$body$
                select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'), '"
    LINE 6:         as $body$
     [SQL: "\n        create or replace function naturalsort(text)\n          returns bytea\n          language sql\n          immutable strict\n        as $body$ \n            select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'), '\x00') from regexp_matches(, '0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)', 'g') r; \n        $body$;\n    "] (Background on this error at:


def upgrade():
    conn = op.get_bind()

    conn.execute('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS "naturalsort"')

        create or replace function naturalsort(text)
          returns bytea
          language sql
          immutable strict
        as $body$ 
            select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'), '\x00') from regexp_matches(, '0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)', 'g') r; 

该代码应允许对列进行自然排序,并且是 rhodium toad 的 copy/paste。

由于美元引号字符串是重写字符串常量的一种方式,替代方法是(请注意 postgresql 文档中的双单引号:"To include a single-quote character within a string constant, write two adjacent single quotes, e.g., 'Dianne''s horse'. Note that this is not the same as a double-quote character (")。” ):

    create or replace function naturalsort(text)
      returns bytea
      language sql
      immutable strict
    as 'select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), ''SQL_ASCII''), ''\x00'') from regexp_matches(, ''0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)'', ''g'') r;';


sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) unterminated quoted string at or near "'select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), ''SQL_ASCII''), ''"
LINE 6:         as 'select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], leng...
 [SQL: "\n        create or replace function naturalsort(text)\n          returns bytea\n          language sql\n          immutable strict\n        as 'select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), ''SQL_ASCII''), ''\x00'') from regexp_matches(, ''0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)'', ''g'') r;';\n    "] (Background on this error at:

奇怪的是,这些查询在 pgAdmin 中执行得很好,而且 alembic 似乎生成了有效的 SQL(alembic 升级:--sql):


create or replace function naturalsort(text)
          returns bytea
          language sql
          immutable strict
        as $body$
            select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'), '') from regexp_matches(, '0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)', 'g') r;

UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='ad99fdcb28bc' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = 'ff00ac684617';


关于为什么 psycopg2 不断抛出 unterminated dollar-quoted string at or near "$body$ 错误的任何线索?

$body 是一个不能包含 $ 的别名,将 $body$ 替换为 my_body 这样的名称,它应该可以工作

def upgrade():
    op.execute('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS "naturalsort"')

      create or replace function naturalsort(text)
      returns bytea
      language sql
      immutable strict
    as $my_body$
        select string_agg(convert_to(coalesce(r[2], length(length(r[1])::text) || length(r[1])::text || r[1]), 'SQL_ASCII'), '') from regexp_matches(, '0*([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)', 'g') r;

def downgrade():
    op.execute('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS "naturalsort"')

执行升级时,它成功了,没有语法错误。 实际上在 postgres 中执行该函数也会使用此查询返回所需的自然排序结果:

SELECT * FROM public.requirement ORDER BY naturalsort(eid) asc

使用 PvdL 关于 my_body 的评论部分起作用,如果我在空字符串现在所在的位置添加 '\x00'(在 SQL_ASCII 之后),它将引发语法错误