如何通过 Google Plus API 向他人发送电子邮件?

How to send email to people via Google Plus API?

根据GooglePlus,您可以向Google您圈子内的Plus用户发送电子邮件:refer this

您应该遵循官方 Gmail API 参考指南 here


There are two ways to send email using the Gmail API:

Emails are sent as base64url encoded strings within the raw property of a message resource. The high-level workflow to send an email is to:

Create the email content in some convenient way and encode it as a base64url string. Create a new message resource and set its raw property to the base64url string you just created. Call messages.send, or, if sending a draft, drafts.send to send the message.

要通过 API 发送电子邮件,您需要提供以下参数:

    - service: Authorized Gmail API service instance.
    - user_id: User's email address. The special value "me"
               can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
    - message: Message to be sent.