Signalr.Net和Signal Core一起使用可行吗?

Is it feasible to use Signalr.Net and Signal Core together?

一个 JS 客户端 (Angular JS 1.X) 可以连接到两个不同的服务器。第一个是:Signalr.Net(旧版本),第二个是:Signalr Core(.Net 核心版本)。

In other words, can both SignalR Js client libraries co-exist, in same JS application.



不,你不能同时使用它们。在这里查看我的回答以了解原因和 link 说明相同的文档。

您不能将 .NET Core 1.x 与旧客户端(1.x 或 2.x)混合使用。您将需要决定哪个是最适合您的选项,但您需要在客户端和服务器上实施相同的兼容版本。

查看 link 了解更多详情,但本质上:

What’s Changed?

We added a number of new features to SignalR for ASP.NET Core but we also decided to remove support for some of the existing features or change how they work. One of the consequences of this is that SignalR for ASP.NET Core is not compatible with previous versions of SignalR. This means that you cannot use the old server with the new clients or the old clients with the new server.