applescript 或 shell 脚本方式到我。 e. grep 应用程序 "status" 在 i 之后。 e. killall - 停止它
applescript or shell script way to i. e. grep an applications "status" after i. e. killall -STOP it
killall -STOP
killall -CONT
set shellOutput1 to do shell script "PROCESSNAME='<name of the process>'; GREPPID=$(pgrep $PROCESSNAME); if [ -z $GREPPID ]; then echo '1'; else echo '2'; fi; exit 0"
if shellOutput1 contains "2" then
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "<name of the process>" to false
end tell
end if
set notificationName to "<program name>"
set shellOutput2 to do shell script "PROCESSNAME='<name of the process>'; GREPPID=$(pgrep $PROCESSNAME); if [ -z $GREPPID ]; then echo '3'; exit 0; else PSSTATUS=$(ps -o state= -p $GREPPID); if [ $PSSTATUS == 'T' ]; then killall -CONT $PROCESSNAME; echo '1'; else killall -STOP $PROCESSNAME; echo '2'; fi; fi; exit 0"
if shellOutput2 contains "1" then
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "<name of the process>" to true
end tell
display notification notificationName & " wieder gestartet!" sound name "default"
else if shellOutput2 contains "2" then
display notification notificationName & " angehalten!" sound name "default"
else if shellOutput2 contains "3" then
display notification notificationName & " läuft nicht!" sound name "default"
end if
return shellOutput2
暂停应用程序killall -STOP
重新启动它killall -CONT
set shellOutput1 to do shell script "PROCESSNAME='<name of the process>'; GREPPID=$(pgrep $PROCESSNAME); if [ -z $GREPPID ]; then echo '1'; else echo '2'; fi; exit 0"
if shellOutput1 contains "2" then
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "<name of the process>" to false
end tell
end if
set notificationName to "<program name>"
set shellOutput2 to do shell script "PROCESSNAME='<name of the process>'; GREPPID=$(pgrep $PROCESSNAME); if [ -z $GREPPID ]; then echo '3'; exit 0; else PSSTATUS=$(ps -o state= -p $GREPPID); if [ $PSSTATUS == 'T' ]; then killall -CONT $PROCESSNAME; echo '1'; else killall -STOP $PROCESSNAME; echo '2'; fi; fi; exit 0"
if shellOutput2 contains "1" then
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "<name of the process>" to true
end tell
display notification notificationName & " wieder gestartet!" sound name "default"
else if shellOutput2 contains "2" then
display notification notificationName & " angehalten!" sound name "default"
else if shellOutput2 contains "3" then
display notification notificationName & " läuft nicht!" sound name "default"
end if
return shellOutput2