将 class 属性反序列化为派生 class 而不是基础抽象 class

Deserialize class properties to derived class instead of base abstract class


遗憾的是我从一开始就没有参与XML文件规范的设计过程,门柱已经移动了十几次,规范不能为了制作而修改这对我来说更容易做到,因为任何规范修正案的价格都非常高(是的,甚至重命名 XML 元素!)



两种类型的采购订单都源自一组抽象 classes,这些抽象确定两种 PO 类型共享的基本业务逻辑(数量、成本、PO 编号等)。


abstract class PO {
  abstract POType PurchaseOrderType {get;}
  abstract PO_Head Header {get;set;}
  abstract List<PO_Line> LineItems {get;set;}

abstract class PO_Head {
  abstract string PONumber {get;set;}

abstract class PO_Line {
  abstract string ItemCode {get;set;}
  abstract decimal UnitCost {get;set;}
  abstract int OrderQty {get;set;}


class POR : PO {
  // POR implementations

class POR_Head : PO_Line {
  // POR implementations

class POR_Line : PO_Line {
  // POR implementations

class CPO : PO {
  // CPO implementations

class CPO_Head : PO_Line {
  // CPO implementations

class CPO_Line : PO_Line {
  // CPO implementations

然后在代码中使用基本摘要 class 来处理每个采购订单并将它们导入我们的会计系统。

for (int i = pending.Transactions.Count -1; i > -1; i--) {
  PO pendingOrder = (PO)pending.Transactions[i];
  // Import PO type

问题是,当我尝试反序列化为每个派生类型 class 时,它会尝试将 HeaderLineItems 反序列化为派生类型 PO_HeadPO_Line。有什么办法可以明确地告诉 XmlSerializerHeaderLineItems 视为派生的 class 版本 - CPO_Head 和 CPO_Line 或 POR_Head 和 POR_Line - 取决于正在序列化的 class - 分别是 CPO 或 POR。类似于下面的东西。

class CPO : PO {
  override POType PurchaseOrderType => POType.CPO;

  override PO_Head Header {get;set;}

  override List<PO_Line> LineItems {get;set;}



编辑 - 根据要求deserialize/serialize使用的代码

public static void SerializeToXmlFile(object obj, FileInfo dstFile)
    XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
    using (FileStream fs = dstFile.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
        xmlSerializer.Serialize(fs, obj);

public static object DeserializeFromXmlFile(FileInfo srcFile, Type type)
    XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
    using (FileStream fs = srcFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
        return xmlSerializer.Deserialize(fs);

public static void Main(string[] args) 
    // Deserialize from XML file
    FileInfo srcFile = new FileInfo("path\to\file");
    Type t;
    if (srcFile.Name.Substring(0,3) == "CPO")
        t = typeof(CPO);
    else if (srcFile.Name.Substring(0,3) == "POR")
        t = typeof(POR);

    PO po = DeserializeFromXmlFile(file, t);

    // Process the file
    // ...

    // Serialize back to file
    FileInfo dstFile = new FileInfo("new\path\to\file");
    SerializeToXmlFile(po, dstFile);

编辑 - 修复

根据标记的正确答案,我能够通过在 XmlElementXmlArrayItem 属性中指定 Type 来解决此问题。

class POR {
  [XmlElement(typeof(POR_Head), ElementName="PO_Head")]
  override PO_Head Header {get;set;} = new POR_Head();
  [XmlArrayItem(typeof(POR_Line), ElementName="PO_Line")]
  override List<PO_Line> LineItems {get;set;} = new List<LineItems>();

class CPO {
  [XmlElement(typeof(CPO_Head), ElementName="PO_Head")]
  override PO_Head Header {get;set;} = new CPO_Head();
  [XmlArrayItem(typeof(CPO_Line), ElementName="PO_Line")]
  override List<PO_Line> LineItems {get;set;} = new List<LineItems>();

我认为您正在寻找 XmlArrayItemAttribute。根据文档:

You can apply the XmlArrayItemAttribute to any public read/write member that returns an array, or provides access to one. For example, a field that returns an array of objects, a collection, an ArrayList, or any class that implements the IEnumerable interface.

The XmlArrayItemAttribute supports polymorphism--in other words, it allows the XmlSerializer to add derived objects to an array.


[XmlArrayItem (typeof(PO_Line), ElementName = "PO_Line"),
 XmlArrayItem (typeof(CPO_Line),ElementName = "CPO_Line")]

由于您只传递一个字符串,属性将其解释为 ElementName,而不是类型。必须使用 typeof(ClassName).
