Angularjs 来自异步服务的绑定值

Angularjs binding value from async service

由于 中的@sehaxx,我解决了几个错误我想在示例中引入异步,如下面的代码,其中变量是异步初始化的,它的值没有反映在视图中。

(function(angular) {
  'use strict';
module('myServiceModule', []).
  controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'notify','$log', function($scope, notify, $log) {
    this.clickCount = 0;
    this.clickLimit = notify.clickLimit();
    this.callNotify = function(msg) {
        this.clickCount = notify.clickCount();
        $log.debug("[controller] Click count is now", this.clickCount, " and limit is ", this.clickLimit);

factory('notify', ['$window','$log', '$timeout', function(win,$log, $timeout) {
    var msgs = [];
    var clickCounter = 0;
    var countLimit = 0;

    $timeout( function(){
      countLimit = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)+1;
      $log.debug("[service] Click limit initialized at", countLimit);
      return countLimit;
    }, 10);

    return {
        clickLimit: function(){
          return countLimit;
        clickCount: function() {
            clickCounter = msgs.length;
            $log.debug("[service] You are clicking, click count is now", clickCounter, " limit is ", countLimit);
            return clickCounter;
        push: function(msg) {
              clickCounter = msgs.length;
              $log.debug("[service] Counter is", clickCounter, " on ", countLimit);
              if (msgs.length === countLimit) {
                msgs = [];



这没有按预期工作的原因是 countLimit 是一个 Primitive,而 Primitive 总是通过 Val 而不是 byRef 传递,所以工厂无法更新以后的价值。

countLimit 更改为对象可以解决此问题,因为对象的值是对对象属性的引用。换句话说,我们可以通过Ref。我们只需更新代码以引用对象的子对象 属性 而不是直接引用值,即 countLimit.value.


(function(angular) {
  'use strict';
  module('myServiceModule', []).
  controller('MyController', ['$scope', 'notify', '$log', function($scope, notify, $log) {
    this.clickCount = 0;
    this.clickLimit = notify.clickLimit();
    this.callNotify = function(msg) {
      this.clickCount = notify.clickCount();
      $log.debug("[controller] Click count is now", this.clickCount, " and limit is ", this.clickLimit.value);

  factory('notify', ['$window', '$log', '$timeout', function(win, $log, $timeout) {
    var msgs = [];
    var clickCounter = 0;
    var countLimit = {
      value: 0,

    $timeout(function() {
      countLimit.value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
      $log.debug("[service] Click limit initialized at", countLimit.value);
      return countLimit;
    }, 10);

    return {
      clickLimit: function() {
        $log.debug("called clickLimit");
        return countLimit;
      clickCount: function() {
        clickCounter = msgs.length;
        $log.debug("[service] You are clicking, click count is now", clickCounter, " limit is ", countLimit);
        return clickCounter;
      push: function(msg) {
        clickCounter = msgs.length;
        $log.debug("[service] Counter is", clickCounter, " on ", countLimit);
        if (msgs.length === countLimit.value) {
          msgs = [];
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Example - example-services-usage-production</title>

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="script.js"></script>


<body ng-app="myServiceModule">
  <div id="simple" ng-controller="MyController as self">
    <p>Let's try this simple notify service, injected into the controller...</p>
    <input ng-init="message='test'" ng-model="message">
    <button ng-click="self.callNotify(message);">NOTIFY</button>
    <p>(you have to click {{self.clickLimit.value-self.clickCount}} times more to see an alert)</p>
    <div>You have clicked {{ self.clickCount }} times</div>

