VBA。仅将可见 sheet 导出到单个工作簿

VBA. Export only visible sheet to individual workbook

Sub SaveShtsAsBook() 
    ‘Select all visible and hide sheet’
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet, SheetName$, MyFilePath$, N& 
    MyFilePath$ = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _ 
    Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) 
    With Application 
        .ScreenUpdating = False 
        .DisplayAlerts = False 
         '      End With
        On Error Resume Next '<< a folder exists
        MkDir MyFilePath '<< create a folder
        For N = 1 To Sheets.Count 
            SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name 
            Workbooks.Add (xlWBATWorksheet) 
            With ActiveWorkbook 
                With .ActiveSheet 
                    .Name = SheetName 
                End With 
                 'save book in this folder
                .SaveAs Filename:=MyFilePath _ 
                & "\" & SheetName & ".xlsx" 
                .Close SaveChanges:=True 
            End With 
            .CutCopyMode = False 
    End With 
End Sub 

我有一个工作簿,其中包含许多 sheet,其中有可见的和隐藏的。我只想将每个可见的 sheet 导出到单独的工作簿。上面的当前代码可以对工作簿中的所有 sheet 进行导出,但之后我必须将它们一一删除。希望这能解释我的情况。

所有你需要添加到你的代码来排除隐藏工作表是一个简单的 If..Then statement to check whether the Worksheet.Visible propertyTrueFalse

If Not yourWorsheet.Visible Then... ...然后您跳过该工作表。



如果 BeforeAfter 都不是,worksheet.Copy method 将创建一个新工作簿指定。

Sub saveVisibleSheetsAsXLSM()       'saves all visible sheets as new xlsx files
    Const exportPath = "x:\yourDestinationPath\"
    Dim ws As Worksheet, wbNew As Workbook
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets                      'for each worksheet
        If ws.Visible Then                                  'if it's visible:
            Debug.Print "Exporting: " & ws.Name
            ws.Copy '(if no params specified, COPY creates + activates a new wb)
            Set wbNew = Application.ActiveWorkbook          'get new wb object
            wbNew.SaveAs exportPath & ws.Name & ".xlsm", 52 'save new wb
            wbNew.Close                                     'close new wb
            Set wbNew = Nothing                             'cleanup 
        End If
    Next ws
    Set ws = Nothing                                        'clean up 
End Sub

Worksheet.Copy Remarks:

If you don't specify either Before or After, Microsoft Excel creates a new workbook that contains the copied sheet object that contains the copied Worksheet object. The newly created workbook holds the Application.ActiveWorkbook Property (Excel) property and contains a single worksheet. The single worksheet retains the Worksheet.Name Property (Excel) and Worksheet.CodeName Property (Excel) properties of the source worksheet. If the copied worksheet held a worksheet code sheet in a VBA project, that is also carried into the new workbook.

An array selection of multiple worksheets can be copied to a new blank Workbook Object (Excel) object in a similar manner.

(Source: Documentation)