
Detecting Arrays when accessing Document Elements by Position

As the browser reads an HTML document and forms a parse tree, JavaScript objects are 
instantiated for all elements that are scriptable. Initially, the number of markup 
elements that were scriptable in browsers was limited, but with a modern browser it 
is possible to access any arbitrary HTML element. 

但是,目前,作为脚本语言的新手,我正专注于 HTML 元素 可通过传统JavaScript对象模型(也称为DOM级别0 ),特别是其相关元素,让事情变得简单。

虽然 arraysobjects 没有什么不同,但我们可以这样对待它们,并检测它们可能很重要。不幸的是,typeof 帮不上什么忙。

    var arr = [];
    alert(typeof arr);            // "object"

    alert(arr instanceof Array);  // returns true

    alert(Array.isArray(arr));    // returns true

使用 traditional JavaScript object model,我们可以使用

访问 <form> 标签


    <form action="form1action.php" method="get">
        <input type="text" name="field1">


    <form action="form2action.php" method="get">
        <input type="text" name="field2">
        <input type="text" name="field3">


    <script type="text/javascript">

        console.log(typeof window.document.forms[1].elements[1]);            // object
        console.log(typeof window.document.forms[1].elements);               // object
        console.log(window.document.forms[1].elements instanceof Array);     // false
        console.log(window.document.forms instanceof Array);  // false



console.log(window.document.forms[1].elements instanceof Array);  // false
console.log(typeof window.document.forms instanceof Array);       // false

因为我的印象是 JavaScript 引擎会将 something[] 视为 instanceof Array,上面的例子是关注elements and forms

并非所有具有索引属性([0], [1] 等)的东西都是数组 - 它可以是任何类型的对象集合,这不是一回事。它甚至可能只是一个带有 0 属性 的对象,而不是一个集合。

在这种情况下,document.forms 是一个 HTMLCollection - HTML 元素的专门集合 - 而 window.document.forms[1].elements 是一个 HTMLFormControlsCollection,它继承自HTMLCollection.

// all log true
console.log(window.document.forms instanceof HTMLCollection);
console.log(window.document.forms[1].elements instanceof HTMLFormControlsCollection);
console.log(window.document.forms[1].elements instanceof HTMLCollection);

// NOTE: typeof doesn't give the exact type of an object.
// This just logs "object", rather than "HTMLCollection", because it is an object, as opposed to e.g. a number
console.log(typeof window.document.forms);

var myObject = {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'};
// log "foo bar"
console.log(myObject[0], myObject[1]);

Mozilla 在 MDN 上的文档通常有助于查看对象的实际类型,例如document.forms and HTMLFormElement.elements.