在 R 的纵向情况下,如何根据不同变量的状态对一个变量进行分组?
How can I group by one variable in terms of status of a different variable in a longitudinal situation in R?
我是 R 的新手,所以请放轻松...我有一些纵向数据看起来像
基本上,我试图找到一种方法来获得 table 具有 a) 具有所有完整数据的独特案例的数量和 b) 具有至少一个不完整数据的独特案例的数量或丢失数据。理想的最终结果是
df<- df %>% group_by(Location)
df1<- df %>% group_by(any(Completion_status=='Incomplete' | 'Missing'))
不确定你想要什么,因为你的请求和期望的输出之间似乎有些不一致,但是让我们试试,你似乎需要一种你可以管理的频率 table使用基本 R。在答案的底部,您可以找到一些与您的相似的数据。
# You have two cases, the Complete, and the other, so here a new column about it:
data$case <- ifelse(data$Completion_status =='Complete','Complete', 'MorIn')
# now a frequency table about them: if you want a data.frame, here we go
result <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(data$Location,data$case))
# now the location as a new column rather than the rownames
result$Location <- rownames(result)
# and lastly a data.frame with the final results: note that you can change the names
# of the columns but if you want spaces maybe a tibble is better
result <- data.frame(Location = result$Location,
`Number.complete` = result$Complete,
`Number.incomplete.missing` = result$MorIn)
Location Number.complete Number.incomplete.missing
1 London 0 1
2 Los Angeles 0 1
3 Paris 3 1
4 Phoenix 0 2
5 Toronto 1 1
或者如果您更喜欢 dplyr 链:
data %>%
mutate(case = ifelse(data$Completion_status =='Complete','Complete', 'MorIn')) %>%
do( as.data.frame.matrix(table(.$Location,.$case))) %>%
mutate(Location = rownames(.)) %>%
select(3,1,2) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("Location","Number of complete ", "Number of incomplete or"))
Location Number of complete Number of incomplete or
1 London 0 1
2 Los Angeles 0 1
3 Paris 3 1
4 Phoenix 0 2
5 Toronto 1 1
# here your data (next time try to put them in an usable way in the question)
data <- data.frame( ID = c("A1","A1","A2","A2","B1","C1","C2","D1","D2","E1"),
Location = c('Paris','Paris','Paris','Paris','London','Toronto','Toronto','Phoenix','Phoenix','Los Angeles'),
Completion_status = c('Complete','Complete','Incomplete','Complete','Incomplete','Missing',
我是 R 的新手,所以请放轻松...我有一些纵向数据看起来像
基本上,我试图找到一种方法来获得 table 具有 a) 具有所有完整数据的独特案例的数量和 b) 具有至少一个不完整数据的独特案例的数量或丢失数据。理想的最终结果是
df<- df %>% group_by(Location)
df1<- df %>% group_by(any(Completion_status=='Incomplete' | 'Missing'))
不确定你想要什么,因为你的请求和期望的输出之间似乎有些不一致,但是让我们试试,你似乎需要一种你可以管理的频率 table使用基本 R。在答案的底部,您可以找到一些与您的相似的数据。
# You have two cases, the Complete, and the other, so here a new column about it:
data$case <- ifelse(data$Completion_status =='Complete','Complete', 'MorIn')
# now a frequency table about them: if you want a data.frame, here we go
result <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(data$Location,data$case))
# now the location as a new column rather than the rownames
result$Location <- rownames(result)
# and lastly a data.frame with the final results: note that you can change the names
# of the columns but if you want spaces maybe a tibble is better
result <- data.frame(Location = result$Location,
`Number.complete` = result$Complete,
`Number.incomplete.missing` = result$MorIn)
Location Number.complete Number.incomplete.missing
1 London 0 1
2 Los Angeles 0 1
3 Paris 3 1
4 Phoenix 0 2
5 Toronto 1 1
或者如果您更喜欢 dplyr 链:
data %>%
mutate(case = ifelse(data$Completion_status =='Complete','Complete', 'MorIn')) %>%
do( as.data.frame.matrix(table(.$Location,.$case))) %>%
mutate(Location = rownames(.)) %>%
select(3,1,2) %>%
`colnames<-`(c("Location","Number of complete ", "Number of incomplete or"))
Location Number of complete Number of incomplete or
1 London 0 1
2 Los Angeles 0 1
3 Paris 3 1
4 Phoenix 0 2
5 Toronto 1 1
# here your data (next time try to put them in an usable way in the question)
data <- data.frame( ID = c("A1","A1","A2","A2","B1","C1","C2","D1","D2","E1"),
Location = c('Paris','Paris','Paris','Paris','London','Toronto','Toronto','Phoenix','Phoenix','Los Angeles'),
Completion_status = c('Complete','Complete','Incomplete','Complete','Incomplete','Missing',