
Counting a desired word in a text file

我必须计算给定文本文件中给定单词出现的次数,这个是葛底斯堡演说。出于某种原因,它没有计算我输入的 'nation' 所以输出看起来是这样的:

'nation' is found 0 times in the file gettysburg.txt


fname = input("Enter a file name to process:")
find = input("Enter a word to search for:")
text = open(fname, 'r').read()
def processone():
    if text is not None:
        words = text.lower().split()
        return words
        return None

def count_word(tokens, token):
    count = 0
    for element in tokens:
        word = element.replace(",", " ")
        word = word.replace("."," ")

        if word == token:
            count += 1
        return count
words = processone()
word = find
frequency = count_word(words, word)
print("'"+find+"'", "is found", str(frequency), "times in the file", fname)


以我的第一个编码 class 为例,如果您发现我的编码中有更多缺陷或可以进行改进,以及帮助找到我的问题的解决方案,请随意。

count_word() 函数的 for 循环中,循环末尾有一个 return 语句,它仅在一次循环迭代后立即退出函数。

您可能希望将 return 语句移动到 for 循环之外。

作为初学者,我建议您使用打印语句并查看正在打印的变量,这有助于解决问题。例如,print word 仅显示文件中的第一个单词,这可以解释您的代码中的问题。

def count_word(tokens, token):
    count = 0
    for element in tokens:
        word = element.replace(",", " ")
        word = word.replace("."," ")
        print (word)
        if word == token:
            count += 1
        return count

Enter a file name to process:gettysburg.txt
Enter a word to search for:nation
'nation' is found 0 times in the file gettysburg.txt


fname = input("Enter a file name to process:")
find = input("Enter a word to search for:")
text = open(fname, 'r').read()
def processone():
    if text is not None:
        words = text.lower().split()
        return words
        return None

def count_word(tokens, token):
    count = 0
    for element in tokens:
        word = element.replace(",", " ")
        word = word.replace("."," ")

        if word == token:
            count += 1
    return count

words = processone()

word = find
frequency = count_word(words, word)
print("'"+find+"'", "is found", str(frequency), "times in the file", fname)
