如何推进字母表中的字符串 3 个字母(凯撒密码)?

How to advance string 3 letters in the alphabet (Caesar cipher)?

我正在尝试编写一个程序来加密用户提交的字符串。我想使用一种加密技术,其中字符串在字母表中提前 3 个字母。
示例:abc 将变为 def.

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim rawText As String
    rawText = TextBox1.Text
    Dim letterTxt As String = Chr(Asc(rawText) + 3)

End Sub


一个Caesar cipher方法。接受正移和负移以及可选的一些字母。
后者,将使用与通常的 US-ASCII 不同的 ASCII 表进行测试。


使用 Scramble 参数 select 打乱 (True) 或取消打乱 (False)。


Dim Scrambled1 As String = CaesarCipher("ABCXYZabcxyz", 3, True)
Dim Scrambled2 As String = CaesarCipher("ABCXYZabcxyz", -5, True)

'Scrambled1 is now DEFABCdefabc
'Scrambled2 is now VWXSTUvwxstu

Dim Unscrambled As String = CaesarCipher(Scrambled2, -5, false)

'Unscrambled is now ABCXYZabcxyz

Function CaesarCipher(Input As String, CaesarShift As Integer, Scramble As Boolean, Optional AlphabetLetters As Integer = 26) As String

    Dim CharValue As Integer
    Dim MinValue As Integer = AscW("A"c)
    Dim MaxValue As Integer = AscW("Z"c)
    Dim ScrambleMode As Integer = If((Scramble), 1, -1)
    Dim output As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(Input.Length)

    If Math.Abs(CaesarShift) >= AlphabetLetters Then
        CaesarShift = (AlphabetLetters * Math.Sign(CaesarShift)) - Math.Sign(CaesarShift)
    End If

    For Each c As Char In Input
        CharValue = AscW(c)
        If Not Char.IsNumber(c) Then
            CharValue = CharValue + (CaesarShift * ScrambleMode) Mod AlphabetLetters
            CharValue = If(AscW(Char.ToUpper(c)) + (CaesarShift * ScrambleMode) > MaxValue, CharValue - AlphabetLetters, CharValue)
            CharValue = If(AscW(Char.ToUpper(c)) + (CaesarShift * ScrambleMode) < MinValue, CharValue + AlphabetLetters, CharValue)
        End If
    Return output.ToString()
End Function