如何使用 pipenv 到当前文件夹中的 运行 文件

how to use pipenv to run file in current folder

使用pipenv在文件夹中创建虚拟环境。 但是,环境似乎在路径中:


当我 运行 命令 pipenv run python train.py 时,我收到错误:

can't open file 'train.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory


您需要位于您想要的文件的同一目录中 运行 然后使用: pipenv run python train.py


You may be at the project main directory while the file you need to run is inside a directory inside your project directory

If you use django to create your project, it will create two folders inside each other with the same name so as a best practice change the top directory name to 'yourname-project' then inside the directory 'yourname' run the pipenv run python train.py command


    pipenv shell
    python train.py