
Sort Alphanumeric on Array of more than one column


var stringArray = ['48AB1','48AB10','48AB101','48AB106','48AB108','48AB11','48AB111','48AB1117','48AB1138','48AB18','48AB2'];
var regex = /^([a-z]*)(\d*)/i;
function sortFn(a, b) {
  var _a = a.match(regex);
  var _b = b.match(regex);

  // if the alphabetic part of a is less than that of b => -1
  if (_a[1] < _b[1]) return -1;
  // if the alphabetic part of a is greater than that of b => 1
  if (_a[1] > _b[1]) return 1;

  // if the alphabetic parts are equal, check the number parts
  var _n = parseInt(_a[2]) - parseInt(_b[2]);
  if(_n == 0) // if the number parts are equal start a recursive test on the rest
      return sortFn(a.substr(_a[0].length), b.substr(_b[0].length));
  // else, just sort using the numbers parts
  return _n;


我有一个多列数组,但我只想在第一列对数组进行排序。我如何修改此代码以仅将一列推送到排序函数中?我正在从 SQL 服务中提取数据并使用它来填充 JQuery table。默认情况下,数据按自然顺序排序(即 48AB1、48AB10、48AB100 等)


编辑: 这是有关我如何创建它的更多信息

var attrs = []
const activate = () => {

    WyoArch.serverApi("QuerySites").then(sites => {
            // jqxGrid creation
            // --> reusable options to stylize grid
            let mixinGridOptions = mixin => new Object({},
                columns: mixin.columns,
                source: createJqxDataAdapter(mixin.source || [])

        attrs = sites; 
        // --> sites
        pickers.site.jqxGrid = $("#curateExisting-sitePicker .picker-jqxGrid").jqxGrid(mixinGridOptions({
            source: sites,
            columns: [{
                    text: 'ID',
                    datafield: 'SiteID',
                    width: 100
                    text: 'Name',
                    datafield: 'SiteName',
                    width: 150
                    text: 'Landowner',
                    datafield: 'LandOwner',
                    width: 100
                    text: 'TWN',
                    datafield: 'TWN',
                    width: 80
                    text: 'RNG',
                    datafield: 'RNG',
                    width: 80
                    text: 'Section',
                    datafield: 'Section',
                    width: 80

Screenshot of teh console log of the array


在解决问题并对其进行更新后,这似乎可以满足要求。数据是从图像中截取的——请 post 文本,而不是文本图像! - 并且可能与正在发生的事情不完全匹配。这使用对我来说是一个与原始行为相同但有所简化的函数。

但要点是包装你的 sortFn 以便它适用于 SiteID 字段中排序为 属性 的元素,你可以编写一个新的比较器,例如这个:

(a, b) => sortFn(a.SiteID, b.SiteID)

... 并将其传递给 table.sort().

const regex = /^([a-z]*)(\d*)/i;

const sortFn = (a, b) => {
  if (a == '' && b == '') {return 0;}
  const [a0, a1, a2] = a.match(regex);
  const [b0, b1, b2] = b.match(regex);
  return a1 < b1 ? -1 : a1 > b1 ? 1 : a2 - b2 || sortFn(a.substr(a0.length), b.substr(b0.length)) 

const sortBySiteId = (a, b) => sortFn(a.SiteID, b.SiteID)

var table = [
  {SiteID: '1ABCTest', SiteName: 'App Testing RK', ContactID: 250},
  {SiteID: '1ABCTest', SiteName: 'App Testing',    ContactID: 250},
  {SiteID: '1Albany',  SiteName: 'RK Test',        ContactID: 56},
  {SiteID: '1BCDTest', SiteName: 'RK Test 2',      ContactID: 201},
  {SiteID: '1OFF',     SiteName: 'One OFF',        ContactID: 161},
  {SiteID: '24BH406',  SiteName: 'KOBOLD RANCH',   ContactID: 250},
  {SiteID: '42IN124',  SiteName: null,             ContactID: null},
  {SiteID: '42IN40',   SiteName: null,             ContactID: null},
  {SiteID: '42SV5',    SiteName: null,             ContactID: null},
  {SiteID: '42UN95',   SiteName: null,             ContactID: null},
  {SiteID: '48AB1',    SiteName: 'CHINA WALL',     ContactID: null},
  {SiteID: '48AB10',   SiteName: 'EL PRIMERO',     ContactID: null},
